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======================================================================================================= Friday 17, January 2025, 09:00. MANDUKYA UPANISHAD  GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA Agama Prakarana – “The Scriptural Treatise” ==================================================================================== GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA:  PART 4/4:    ALAATA-SHANTI PRAKARANA (100 mantras):  Quenching the Firebrand: The SANKHYANS Refuted: Karika Section 4.3:    Mantras - 14-23 (10 No.)  Mantram - 4.29: Birthlessness – Essential Nature of Reality Post-44. ======================================================================================== REALISTS vs. IDEALISTS   Karika Section 4.4: Mantras - 24-29 (6 No.)  ======================================================================================== Mantram - 4.29: Birthlessness – Essential Nature of Reality: 1  Ajaatam jaayate yasmaat, = You have taken the Birthless to be ‘born’;  2  a...

KATHOUPANISHAD - 75. Swami Advayananda.

Chinmaya Mission  January 13 at 5:21AM ·  Chinmaya Mission Madurai extended a generous gesture by providing essential ingredients, sugarcane, and lunch to 150 families of differently abled individuals. The initiative aimed to support these families by ensuring they had the necessary items to celebrate the Pongal festival. By offering these provisions, the trust helped make the celebration accessible, fostering a sense of community and joy. This act of kindness was part of the trust’s ongoing efforts to uplift and assist families in need, particularly those with differently abled members, creating an opportunity for them to experience the festive season with ease and togetherness. ======================================================= ================================================ Thursday 16, January 2025, 10:15. KATHA UPANISHAD   Part 2 – Total 49 Mantras  Chapters 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3  Chapter 2.1: (15 Mantras)  BRAHMAN – ABSOLUTE INTELLIGENCE ...

The Realisation of the Absolute: 2.1. Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================================== Wednesday 15, January 2025, 08:18. Vedanta: Upanishads The Realisation of the Absolute: 4. Chapter 2: The Nature of the World-1. The Dissertation on Experience: Swami Krishnananda. ======================================================================================== Chapter 2: The Nature of the World: 1. The Dissertation on Experience The world is a presentation of outward variety and seeming contradiction in existence. It is a disintegrated appearance of the Absolute, a limited expression of Infinitude, a degeneration of the majesty of immortal Consciousness, a diffused form of the spiritual Completeness, a dissipated manifestation of changeless Eternity. Each of such separated entities of the world claims for itself an absolutely independent existence and regards all objective individuals as the not-Self. The not-Self is always considered to be in absolute contradiction to or at leas...

The Philosophy of the Panchadasi: 4. Swami Krishnananda.

  ======================================================================================================== Tuesday 14, January 2025, 10:00. The Philosophy of the Panchadasi: 1.4  Swami Krishnananda. Chapter 1: Discrimination of Reality-4. ========================================================================================== The Evolution of the Universe: (Continued) Isvara has mastery over Maya, because the latter is undivided Sattva, with no individualisation while Jiva has no control over Avidya as the Jiva is an effect of the latter. Avidya qualifies and modifies Jiva. The individual thinking principle with a personalistic consciousness is distinct from the object perceived. Avidya being many, Jivas, too, are many. The Jiva goes by the names of Prajna, Taijasa and Visva, when it associates itself with the bodies: causal, subtle and physical. These names are not of the bodies but of the consciousness which knows them and experiences them. The causal body of the Jiva, con...

The Path of Devotion in the Epics and Puranas: 4. Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================================== Monday 13, January 2025, 08:40 Article Scriptures The Path of Devotion in the Epics and Puranas: 4. Swami Krishnananda. Post-4. ======================================================================================== And how does God help? The Mahabharata, again, is an instance on the point—Asvatthama's ferocitv, to give another instance. We are told that Asvatthama, one day, approached his father Drona and said: “You teach everything to Arjuna, whatever you have taught me. What is the difference between a disciple and a son? No difference at all? The son naturally is dearer than disciples. You teach Arjuna everything. Will you not teach me something which Arjuna does not know?” Drona thought: “This is a very foolish son, not as wise as Arjuna, and I should not teach him mysteries that may enable him to work havoc”. But Asvatthama went on pressing the father with importunities: “Teac...

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad -28. Swami Krishnananda.

  ============================================================================================================ Sunday 12, January 2025, 10:00. Upanishads: The Secret of the Katha Upanishad:  Discourse No. 5 Swami Krishnananda. Post - 28. ================================================================================== Our energies get depleted through sensory activity. This is something well known to us. Our strength does not depend upon what we eat, merely. It depends upon something else. "na pranena napanena martyo jīvati kas cana itarena tu jīvanti, yasminn etāv upasritau." Our life does not depend merely on the breathing process of prana and apana. It depends on something else, from which even the prana and apana rise. The intake of diet is, indeed, very important for the maintenance of health, but health does not rest on food alone, because everything can be thrown out of order if the mind is upset, in spite of the taking in of the best form of diet. A shock that is inj...

The Chhandogya Upanishad - 75: Swami Krishnanand

=================================================================================================================== Saturday 11, January 2025. 09:35. The Chhandogya Upanishad - 75:  Swami Krishnananda. Appendix 2: Samvarga-Vidya Post-75. =================================================================================== Section 2 . 1. "Tad u ha janasrutih parutrayanah sat-satavni gavam niskam  asvatari-rathacm tad-adaya praticakrame, tam habhyuvada." 2. "Raikvemani sat satani gavam, ayam nisko'yam asvatarirathah, anu ma etam bhagavo devatam sadhi, yam devatam upassa iti". ======================================================================================== The king was very happy. He collected a lot of wealth and reverentially went to this great man sitting under a cart, scratching the eruptions on his skin. He took with him six hundred cows, a gold necklace, and a chariot driven by mules. He addressed Raikva: "O Great One, here are six hundred cows, her...