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=================================================================================== Thursday 17, October 2024, 06:20. MANDUKYA UPANISHAD  GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA Agama Prakarana – “The Scriptural Treatise” ================================================================================== GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA:  PART 4/4:   ALAATA-SHANTI PRAKARANA (100 mantras): Quenching the Firebrand: The SANKHYANS Refuted: Karika Section 4.3:    Mantras - 14-23 (10 No.)  Mantram - 4.21: A Pointer to “Birthlessness”  Post-36. =================================================================================== Mantram - 4.21: A Pointer to “Birthlessness”:  1 Poorva aparaa pari-jnaanam, = The uncertainty of precedence or succession  2 ajaateh pari-deepakam; = is a pointer to “birthlessness” itself.  3 jaayamaanaat hi vai dharmaat, = For, if it be a fact that a thing does take birth,  4 katham poorvam na grihyate. = why is its cause not apprehended?  ===============================================================

KATHOUPANISHAD - 67. Swami Advayananda.

================================================================================== Wednesday 16, October 2024, 06:55. KATHA UPANISHAD   Part 2 – Total 49 Mantras  Chapters 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3  Chapter 2.1: (15 Mantras)  Mantram: 2.1.1: First Obstacle: The “Punished” Senses  Post - 67. ================================================================================== Mantram: 2.1.1: First Obstacle: The “Punished” Senses  || 2.1.1||   1  Paraanchi khaani = “Outgoing be thou, O senses!” –    vyatrinat swayambhooh = thus did the Great Lord curse or afflict them.  2  tasmaat paraak pashyati = Therefore, one sees the outer things    na antaraatman; = and not the inner Self.  3  kashchit dheerah = A rare discriminating man arises    pratyak-aatmaanam aikshat =  who gazes inward on the Self,  4  aavritta chakshuh = turning the gaze of his eyes away from sense objects,   amritatvam icchhan. = and desiring Immortality. ==============================================================================

The Doctrine of the Upanishads:1. Swami Krishnananda

  =================================================================================== Tuesday 15, October 2024, 06:15. Article Scriptures The Doctrine of the Upanishads:1.  Swami Krishnananda =================================================================================== Human life is a composite continuum of varying phases of consciousness, of different processes of thought. It comprises a few links in the long chain of development, a few rungs in the lofty ladder of evolution. It is a series of conditions, becomings, events, which ever stretch beyond themselves and point to something remote, something wider and yet unattained. Life is, therefore, an ever-increasing organisation of consciousness, never resting in itself, never satisfied, but always hoping to be completed in a state of existence which is dimly foreshadowed in the present experience of the individual. Every condition of experience appears to be real and complete when it takes the role of being the one immediately ab

Sage Yajnavalkya in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: 4. Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Monday 14, October 2024, 06:00. Article Scriptures Sage Yajnavalkya in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: 4.  Swami Krishnananda. Post-4. =================================================================================== There are very great things in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad which should not be read by impure minds. With these subtle longings, we should not go to the Upanishads to seek, "let me see if I can find something there." You should not experiment with these things. You should say, "I shall find it." The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is a supermarket – you can find anything there. It is a forest, a large, large forest of knowledge – Brihadaranyaka. It is aranyaka, a forest of knowledge. That also, brhat very large, impregnable forest for every kind of knowledge. Very vast: it will take one year to say anything about this book. Even one year is not sufficient. You are touching the

Lessons on the Upanishads - 3.2: Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission:  "Life Changers" by Swami Swaroopananda distills spiritual wisdom into practical lessons, offering clarity on navigating life’s challenges with grace. What impresses readers most about this collection of thoughts is Swamiji's ability to make complex ideas accessible and relevant to the modern world. This books feels like a personal conversation, guiding one to greater self-awareness and purpose.  Get your book here:  India: UK: US: =================================================================================== Sunday 13, October 2024. 06:40. Upanishads Chapter 3: Preparation for Upanishadic Study - 2. Post-18. =================================================================================== The Atman is not merely a force that causes this impulse of self-identity in things, it is also a consciousness of there being such a self-identity. You are what

Meditation According to the Upanishads -5. Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Saturday 12, October 2024, 05:50. Article Scriptures Meditation According to the Upanishads -5.  Swami Krishnananda. (Spoken on January 14th, 1973) Post-5. =================================================================================== Therefore, the three states—waking, dream and sleep—are only temporal efforts at the bringing about of a cessation of disharmony between consciousness and objects, now struggling, now turning back, and then completely forgetting the trouble itself due to exhaustion. It is like a warrior going to the battlefront and fighting and, unable to conquer the enemy, returning home to rest; then, unable to even bear this suffering, he goes to sleep as if everything is all right but dreams of the battle, and wakes again only to realise the searing fact that the battle is going on and he has yet to face it. The whole of the samsara chakra, the cycle of births and deaths, the pain