MANDUKYA UPANISHAD : Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-2, Discussion- 6.

01/02/2017 MANDUKYA UPANISHAD Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-2 "Sarvam hyetad Brahma, ayam-atma Brahma, so' yam-atma catuspat." sarvam - all; hi - indded; etat -this; brahma - this (is) BRAHMAM; ayam atma brahma - this Self ( ATMA IN US ) is BRAHMAM; sah - That ( BRAHMAM ); ayam atma - ( which is ) this Self ( ATMA IN US ); catuspat - ( is ) covered with four quarters ( PARTS ). "All this is verily BRAHMAM. This is BRAHMAM. This JIVATMA ( ATMA WITHIN US ) has four quarters ( parts )." Discussion-6. A. 1. We use the pronoun 'this' as a contrast to 'that.' 2. We say 'that wall' and 'this book' when the book is nearer to us than the wall. 3. But 'this book' becomes in our concept 'that book' with reference to 'this shirt' that we are wearing, since the shirt is nearer to us than the book. 4. Analysing thus, if we ...