MANDUKYA UPANISHAD : Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-2, Discussion- 13.

30/03/2017 MANDUKYA UPANISHAD Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-2 "Sarvam hyetad Brahma, ayam-atma Brahma, so' yam-atma catuspat." sarvam - all; hi - indded; etat -this; brahma - this (is) BRAHMAM; ayam atma brahma - this Self ( ATMA IN US ) is BRAHMAM; sah - That ( BRAHMAM ); ayam atma - ( which is ) this Self ( ATMA IN US ); catuspat - ( is ) covered with four quarters ( PARTS ). "All this is verily BRAHMAM. This is BRAHMAM. This JIVATMA ( ATMA WITHIN US ) has four quarters ( parts )." Discussion-13. A. 1. Here the Sruti means only the four fields of activities and that the same Atman seems to acquire for itself four different aspects, though in fact all the initial three devolve themselves into the last quarter. 2. How it is so, we shall see as we follow the descriptions of the Upanishadik mantram-s. 3. For the time being, it is sufficient to understand, as Sri Swami A...