UPANISHAD MANDUKYA : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins : Karika Mantram-s 1 to 9. Mantram-3, and 4 : Discussion-

01/11/2018 Mandukya Upanishad : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins : Karika Slokam-s 1 to 9. Mantram-s : 3 and 4. 3. Visvo hi sthula-bhuk-nityam taijasah pravivikta-bhuk, ananda-bhuk-tatha prajnas tridha bhogam nibodhata. visvah hi = visva indeed (is); sthula bhuk = experiencer of the gross; nityam = constant; taijasah = taijasa; pravivikta bhuk = experiencer of the subtle; ananda bhuk = experiencer of the bliss; tatha = and; prajnah = prajna (is); tridha = three fold; bhogam = the experience; nibhodhata = know. "Know these to be the three - fold experiences; Visva always experiences the gross sense - objects, Taijasa enjoys the subtle world of objects and prajna the blissful." 4. Sthulam tarpayate visvam praviviktam tu taijasam, anandas-ca tatha prajnam tridha trptim triptim nibodhata. sthulam tarpayate = the gross objects satisfy; visvam = visva; praviviktam = the subtle; tu ...