The Essence of the Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads 4.2. - Swami Krishnananda

----------------------------------------------- Wednesday, December 09, 2020. 10:25. AM Chapter 4: Cosmology 2. There seems to be some great point in the doctrines of realism as well as idealism, which are the dominant schools of philosophy. The realist holds that objects come first, experience comes afterwards. But the idealist thinks that experience comes first and the object afterwards. There is a great quarrel among these schools of thought, but there need not be any quarrel. Both these standpoints seem to be correct because they speak from different positions and different points of view altogether. There is a metaphysical idealism implied behind even the empirical realism of perception of objects. We perceive the world, no doubt, as something external to us, and we know very well that the world was there even before we were born; therefore, realism is right. The world of objects in its physical form precedes the experience thereof by the individual experiencer. But idealism is al...