The Essence of the Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads 5.7. - Swami Krishnananda.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, March 29, 2021. 10:48. AM. Chapter 5: Ananda Mimamsa-7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The law of nature, the law of universality, or we may call it the law of karma in a particular way, has brought about the union of one thing with another thing under certain given conditions, and that seems to be the source of our happiness. The bereavement that we think of, or the loss of objects that takes place, is due to the contrary action of the very same law under the dispensation of its own constitution. Transfer of things from place to place is done according to the law of the universe, and not according to the law of our personal wish. Personal wish has to be subordinated to the universal will of the Supreme, if we are to be happy. So this is a very unfortunate conclusion that we come to when we actually analyse how we love things, why we lov...