TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 43. Rishi Yajnavalkya.

================================================================ Friday, 01 Dec 2023. 06:30. “PANKTI” UPASANAS" Part-1. Chapter-11. Mantram - 8: The Concluding Exhortation Post-43. ================================================================ Mantram - 8: The Concluding Exhortation 18 eshah aadeshah; = This is the Command; eshah upadeshah; = This is the teaching; eshaa vedopanishat; = This is the secret of the Vedas; etat anushaasanam; = This commandment is to be observed; evam upaasitavyam; = In this way you should live; evam u cha etat upaasitavyam = In this way, verily, you should act. ================================================================ Twelve years of teaching and learning have been condensed into this Anuvaka. Now we have come to the concluding part of these essential teachings. This verse gives the spirit of the whole Convocation Address. There is no room for ambiguity in it. Every word is measured precise, clear and to the point. The Convoc...