KATHA UPANISHAD - 55. Swami Advayananda.

Chinmaya Mission: Swamini Supriyananda's workshop, 'Cultivating Resilience,' held at Kings College London's Chinmaya Mission Yuva Kendra, garnered significant interest and participation. Aimed at youth aged 18 to 35, the workshop offered profound insights into overcoming adversities. Attendees were immersed in a day-long exploration of techniques and strategies to advance despite challenges. Through interactive sessions and discussions, they learned to cultivate resilience, enabling them to face life's hurdles with strength and determination. The event's success underscored the importance of resilience-building in empowering young individuals to thrive amidst adversity, marking a significant step in their personal and professional development. =================================================================================== Wednesday 01, May 2024 06:40. Chapter 1.3: 17 Mantras: THE JOURNEY AHEAD Mantram - 1: The Two Drinkers ...