
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Philosophy of the Panchadasi: Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================================================== Friday 28, February 2025, 11:15. Books Upanishads The Philosophy of the Panchadasi:   Swami Krishnananda. ================================================================================= Preface: The Panchadasi is a standard text on the philosophy of the Vedanta, consisting of fifteen chapters, written by Sage Vidyaranya. Historians and teachers of philosophy sometimes hold that the later portions of this work were written by Bharatitirtha. Whatever be the authorship of this treatise, it stands as an unparalleled compendium expounding the fundamental principles of the Vedanta propounding the non-dual existence of Brahman, the supremacy of the Absolute. In accordance with the accepted definition of the Ultimate Reality as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Knowledge-Bliss), the fifteen chapters of the Panchadasi are grouped into three sections of five chapters each, which are designated as V...

The Stages of the Integrated Life According to the Brahma Sutra: Swami Krishnananda.

=============================================================================================== Thursday 27, February 2025, 11:30. Article Sciptures Brahma Sutra  The Stages of the Integrated Life According to the Brahma Sutra:  Swami Krishnananda. ======================================================================================== We must know that things are not moving according to our prejudices, according to our religion, our custom, our cult and the cultural background into which we were born. All these have no connection with the truths of life. Usually, we do not want to know the truth as it is. We are men or women, we are from India or America, we are religious or not religious, socialists or Marxists, philosophers, businessmen, or merchants.  These things have no meaning if we look at things from the point of view of the whole world. We should transfer our mind to the total world, as if the world alone is thinking. We should not think like a person belonging ...

The Realisation of the Absolute: Swami Krishnananda.

  =========================================================================================================== Wednesday 26, February 2025, 10:45. Books Upanishads The Realisation of the Absolute: Swami Krishnananda. Foreword =================================================================================== The Upanishads have always been acknowledged and acclaimed as veritable Mines of Transcendental Wisdom. They are fountain-sources and treasure-houses of Divine Knowledge. But they are something more, too. They also harbour within their precious bosom the key to gain access thereunto. In them we have not only the revelation of the radiant realms of the Supreme Brahman-Consciousness, but also the shining pathway that leads one to it—the secrets of Vedanta-Sadhana or Jnana-Yoga. In "The Realisation of the Absolute" of Swami Krishnananda, we have a forceful and brilliant monograph on this theme which forms the central core of the Upanishadic texts. He has presented us with a w...

Essays on the Upanishads: 1.Swami Krishnananda

==================================================================================================== Tuesday 25, February 2025, 12:15. Books Upanishads Essays on the Upanishads: 1. Swami Krishnananda 1.ISAVASYOPANISHAD - 1. ======================================================================================= Santi Mantram: That is full; this is full. From the full the full proceeds. Taking the full from the full, the full alone remains. That Absolute is full. This created being is also full. Brahman is infinitude and is therefore full. That which proceeds from the full or the infinite must be either real or unreal. If it is real, it must also be full, because a part cannot be ever-enduring, and that which is not always enduring is not real. If it is unreal, nothing proceeds at all. This means to say that either infinity is the product of infinity or nothing proceeds from infinity. Infinity cannot proceed from infinity, because, thereby, there would be two infinities. Hence, the proce...

The Mandukya Upanishad: 1. Swami Krishnananda

  ================================================================================================ Monday 24, February 2025, 11:00. Article Scriptures The Mandukya Upanishad: 1.  Swami Krishnananda =============================================================================================== Yesterday we observed that the human individual is a microcosmic specimen of the entire creative process of the cosmos. The layers or degrees of reality which constitute the composition of the universe of creation are also to be found in the human individual in the form of the kosas or the sheaths, as they are called – physical, vital, mental, intellectual and causal-known in the Sanskrit language as annamaya kosa, pranomaya kosa, manomaya kosa, vijnanamaya kosa and anandamaya kosa. These are the five layers of objectivity which, in a gradational form, externalise consciousness. The grosser the sheath, the greater is the force of externality, so that when consciousness enters the physical...

Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad: 1.Swami Krishnananda

  ======================================================================================= Sunday 23, February 2025, 10:00. Article Scriptures Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad: 1. Swami Krishnananda Part: 1. ====================================================================================== The first two mantras of the Isavasya Upanishad are supposed to give us in a few words a perfect philosophy of life. There are thinkers who feel that if none of the Upanishads becomes available at any time, and if only these two verses remain, that will sustain the world of philosophy. What this Upanishad in its commencing mantras tells us at the very outset is something which we always forget, but which has to be kept in mind constantly if there is to be any meaning in our living in this world. What it makes out in the beginning is that there is the same invisible content pervading all things, connecting everything with everything else, and bringing about a relationship of all diversity, ...

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad -32. Swami Krishnananda.

  ============================================================================================== Saturday 22, February 2025, 10:30. Upanishads: The Secret of the Katha Upanishad:  Discourse No. 6: Swami Krishnananda. Post - 32. ================================================================================== In this union of the soul, which cannot be called a literal union of one thing with another thing, where the subject melts into the object, and vice versa, what yoga can be practised? Here the Upanishad alone is our guide. The yoga of the Upanishad is a masterly technique of soul-transformation. In various places they give us indications, hints of what this yoga could be. The Upanishad yoga is not the ordinary yoga that we usually study in our yoga institutions of the world. It is the yoga which can be practised only by the soul, not even by the mind and the intellect. It is soul contemplating itself as its goal. In this yoga, what does the soul do? How does it recognise ...