MUNDAKOPANISHAD : CHAPTER-3. SECTION-1. MANTRAM-1. { Another method of pointing to 'Brahmam' ---- two birds staying on the same tree. }

MUNDAKA UPANISHAD CHAPTER-3. SECTION-1. MANTRAM-1. { Another method of pointing to 'Brahmam' ---- two birds staying on the same tree. } Dvau suparna sanuja sakhaya samanam vrksham parisasvajate, tayor anyah pippalam svadv-atty- anasnan anyo abhicakasiti. dvau = two; suparna = birds; sayuja = closely united; sakhaya = in friendship; samanam = the self - same; vrksham = tree; parisasvajate = perch on; tayoh = among the two; anyah = one; pippalam = fruit; svadu = with relish; atti = eats; anasnan = without eating; anyah = the other; abhicakasiti = ...