MUNDAKOPANISHAD : CHAPTER-3. SECTION-2. MANTRAM-8{ Analogy of rivers meeting ocean .... realised-men gaining Brahmam. }
MANTRAM-8. { Analogy of rivers meeting ocean .... realised-men gaining Brahmam. }"Yatha nadyah syanda-manah samudre-
stam gacchanti nama-rupe vihaaya,
tatha vidvan nama-rupat vimuktah
parat-param purusham-upaiti divyam."
yatha = as;
nadyah = rivers;
syanda-manah = flowing;
samudre = into the sea;
astam = disappear;
gacchanti = get;
nama-rupe = name and shape;
vihaya = losing;
tatha = thus;
vidvan = the wise man;
nama-rupat = from name and form;
vimuktah = being free;
parat-param = the highest of the high;
purusham = Supreme Divinity;
upaiti = attains;
divyam = eternal.
"As flowing rivers get themselves disappeared in the ocean losing their special names and distinct forms, so the wise man free from all his identifications with names and forms goes unto the highest of the high --- the Supreme Divinity."
Next : Discussions -1. "waters ...."
To be continued ....
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