UPANISHAD MANDUKYA: Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-6, Discussion-2.
( The Scriptural Treatise )
Esa Sarvesvara esa sarvajna eso-'ntaryamy-esa
yonith sarvasya prabha-vapyayau hi bhutanam.
word by meaning : -
esah - this one;
sarvesvarah - is the ruler of all;
easah sarvahnah - this ( is ) Omniscient;
esah antaryami - this ( is ) all Knower;
easah yonih - this ( is ) the Source;
sarvasya - of all;
prabhava apyayau - origin and dissolution;
hi - verily;
bhutanam - of all beings.
The sum of Mantram : -
"This is the Lord of all, this is the Knower of all, this is the inner Controller, this is the Source of all.
And, this is that from which all things originate and in which they finally dissolve themselves."
Deep-sleep is a condition in which neither the organs-of-knowledge function, nor the knowledge acts.
At such a moment when we are in a world of our own, where none of our own known instrumements-of-knowledge is available for our experience, we seem to be generally in a strange realm, unknown and unknowable.
Thus, out of sheer compassion for the disciple, the Upanishad Rishi has given us one more mantram in describing the " PRAJNA."
The awareness in the deep-sleep-state, we have already found, is a homogenous mass of "PURE CONSCIOUSNESS" illuminating nothing in particular, except the one single idea :- " I DO NOT KNOW."
This state of affairs is described in Vedantham as "AVIDYA" and hence, the Vedantin-s say, in their language, that in deep-sleep-state, the SELF is identifying ITSELF with the casual body or AVIDYA.
To be continued ...
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Swami Chinmayananda |
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