UPANISHAD MANDUKYA : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins : Karika Slokam-s 1 to 9. Slokam-2. Discussion-2.
Mandukya Upanishad :
Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise )
Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins :
Karika Slokam-s 1 to 9.
"Daksinaksjasahi-mukhe visvo manasy-antastu taijasah,
akase ca hrdi prajnas-tridha dehe vyavasthitah."
daksina aksi mukke - ( is in the ) right eye;
visvah - visva;
antah manasi - ( is ) within the mind;
tu - whereas;
taijasah - taijasa;
akase hrdi - ( is in the ) space within the heart;
ca prajnah - and prajna;
tridha - in three different ways;
dehe - in the body;
vyvasthitah - ( is ) placed.
"Visva works from the right eye, Taijasa from the mind, and Prajna from the heart-space. Thus, the one Self is conceived as working from the three headquarters as three distinct entities."
Fulfilling his functions as a glosser, Goudapada is giving us an additional detail about the fields of activity of the individual egos, in the three planes of Consciousness for purposes of meditation, analysis and correct understanding of them.
When we read roughly that the waking-state-ego, the Visva has its head-quarters in the right eye, we are apt to get aghast and wonder at the ridiculous statements of the ancient Rishi-s.
This is exactly what happens when a modern educated man in a hurry purchases an Upanishad text book with a meagre word-to word translation, perhaps, at a railway-stall, and tries to skip through it during an uncomfortable journey!
He gains an impression that the scripture is nothing but a jumble of words meaning nothing and having no significances at all!
Let us try to understand and evaluate it to the best of our understanding.
Visva is the experiencer in the waking-state-world.
In the waking-state we are Conscious of the physical structure and from from the parapets of the body, we try to experience and cognise the variegated world of sense-objects.
The phenomenal world is recognised only by the waking-state ego.
Now the attempt of the Master is to show us exactly the position where that particular ego has its camp,
Certainly, the ego is not at a particular point, like the ring or the buttons.
It is all-pervading; the ego functions from the tip of the toe to top of the head.
And yet, when we analyse the physical structure in the waking-state and try to understand the concentrated spot from the entire activity seems to emerge out, we shall find that of all sense-organs, the eyes are the most prominent and always used.
To be continued ...
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