UPANISHAD MANDUKYA : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins : Karika Mantram-s 1 to 9. Mantram-7 : Discussion-2.
Mandukya Upanishad :
Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise )
Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins :
Karika Slokam-s 1 to 9.
Mantram : 7.
"Vibhutim prasavath tvanya manyante srshti-cintakah,
svapna-maya-sarupeti srshtir-anyair-vikalpita."
vibhutim = the glory of (the Lord );
prasavam = the creation;
tu = but;
anye = some others;
manyante = consider, accept;
srshti cintakah = thinkers of creation;
svapna maya sarupa = comparable to dream or magic;
iti = to be;
srshtih = the creation;
anyaih = by others;
vikalpita = is considered.
"Some creationists believe it to be the projection of the Glory of God's own super-human-power, while others consider the world to be of the nature as dream or illusion."
The Non-creationists also explain the world as a long dream, as later on we shall find that 'Gaudapada' himself very elaborately going into a comparative study of both the waking-state and dream-state experiences in order to prove ultimately that in no sense of the term can we reasonably or logically consider the waking-state would as having a greater Reality than the dream-world.
But, herein, when the Creationists ( west- christian theory ) bring up a theory for the Creation of the world and explain it as a dream, they do not mean that the world-of-dream is an illusion of the mind, but on the contrary, according to them, the dream is real as long as it lasts.
There is, in Bharatham, a school of thinkers which believes that the dream is literally real. According to them the dream is real, while the dreamer dreams it, and the magician's illusion or the illusions such as the serpant on the rope etc., are all, according to them, real, so long as the illusion lasts.
They argue that if a thing, is unreal, it cannot impinge upon our cognition and make us believe in it,. According to them, whenever there is an object cognised and some feeling generated thereby, such objects have Reality, however short-lived they may be!
Next Mantram-8.
To be continued
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