The Essence of the Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads-Chapter 1 Introduction-4. Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================= 01/12/2019. Chapter-1 1. Introduction-4. ======================================================================= Stretching this argument a little further, we are very fond of speaking in terms of ‘mankind’ these days—humanity. We would be happy if there were no wars, no battles, would be happy if there were no quarrels, and if there was a single government for the whole world. This is a great aspiration, no doubt; but how does this aspiration arise, unless the whole of mankind has a single purpose or aim before it? If every individual is differentiated from every other, there cannot be such an aspiration at all. That we seek such a possibility, whether it is immediately practicable or not, is itself an indication of what humanity is basically made of. It is substantially one. But for the fact of this substantial uni...