
Showing posts from May, 2022

A Master Message of the Ancient Rishis -7. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ========================================================================= Monday, May 23, 2022. 19:00. Thinking the Cosmic Totality- 7 (Spoken on April 25, 1972 during night satsang on Swamiji's 50th birthday.) ======================================================================== From this very day, try to change your attitude. For this, you need not do anything with your hands and feet. You have only to think differently.  What a marvel it would be for yourself and your whole life, the whole world, as it were. It would not merely be a benefit for you that you have brought upon yourself, but a benefit for the whole world. Enmity will cease in the international field. Miraculously, as it were, people will become friends without your knowing. A wonder will work in the world. Do not think that you have not got this strength. You have the power within you. Every one of us has this power because the infinit...

Introduction to the Upanishads : 5. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================== Sunday, May 22, 2022. 19:00. Post-5. ======================================================================= The spiritual concept of work is the great theme of the Bhagavadgita, which is another subject. The whole theme of the Bhagavadgita is how we can conduct our activity in the sense of a transmutation of all its values into spiritual worship. Actually, service is not service done to anybody else – that term 'else' must be removed from the sentence; it is service done to a larger area of one's own self. This idea can be planted in one's own mind by doing service of any kind, whether it is service of Guru, service of mankind, or work even in an office without laying too much emphasis on the salary aspect, etc. If the administration is well managed, the salary will come of its own accord – you need not cry for it; and this u...

PRASHNA UPANISHAD.4 - by Rishi Pippalada

 ======================================================================== ===================================================================== Saturday, May 21, 2022. 19:00. #6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered” ##KABANDHI’S QUESTION : Query No 1: “Matter & Energy” ======================================================================= Mantram- 1.4 The Reply : Twin Aspects of Creation Tasmai sah uvacha: 1.praja-kaamah vai prajapatih; Then he (Pippalada) replied: 2.sah tapah tapyata;  sah tapahtaptva, 3.sah mithunam utpadayate  rayim cha pranam 4.chetyetau me bahudha prajah  karishyata iti. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Tasmai sah uvacha:   prajaa-kamah vai prajapatih;  =  Then he (Pippalada) replied:  “Prajapati, the Lord of the creatures, 2 sah tapah tapyata;  sah tapahtaptva,  =  decided to perform penance;  and having performed penance, 3 sah mithunam ut...

KAIVALYA UPANISHAD : 6. Swami Advaitananda

 =========================================================== ======================================== ====================== Friday, May 20, 2022. 20:30. From the Atharva Veda (26 Mantras) : “The HOMOGENEITY of Brahman” ================================================================  Mantras 4b: Goal 2: The Road to Brahmaloka. "yatayah shuddha satwah; te brahmalokeshu paranta-kale para-amrtatparimuchyanti sarve." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 4 yatayah shuddha satwah; = Goal 2: Those strivers who are pure in mind 5 te brahmalokeshu paranta-kale = they, in the end, gain the world of Brahma, 6 para-amrtatparimuchyanti sarve. = From there they gain the highest  Immortality, liberating themselves from everything. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary : 4-6 Goal 2 :   This is the path to Krama Mukti...

MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 5. Swami Advayananda.

 ============================================================== =============================================================== 6 Chapters (64 Mantras) Chapter-1. Section-1. 1. THE ORIGINS OF KNOWLEDGE :  (Mantras 1-9, 9 no.) =============================================================== Thursday, May 19, 2022. 20:00  1.1.5: Definitions of Lower & Higher Knowledge =========================================================== Mantram-5. "Tatrapara, Rg-vedah, yajur-vedah, sama-vedah atharva-vedah siksha, kalpo, vyaakaranam, niruktam, chhandas, jyotisham iti; atha para yaya tad-aksharam-adhigamyate." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : *tatra apara = There to  Lower knowledges  *rg-vedah, yajur-vedah, sama-vedah atharva-vedah; = The 4 Vedas: the Rig, the  Yajur, the  Sama and the Atharva; (and) *shiksha, kalpo, vyakaranam,niruktam, chhandah, jyotisham iti; = The 6  ...

Mandukya Upanishad : 2. T.N.Sethumadhavan

 ============================================================= ============================================================= Wednesday, May 18, 2022. 20:00. An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal  1.METHODOLOGY ADOPTED IN THE UPANISHAD  & 2.SHANTI MANTRA – PEACE INVOCATION Post-2. ===============================================================  METHODOLOGY ADOPTED IN THE UPANISHAD :  Like all the other Upanishads the Mandukya Upanishad also consists of a teacher and a taught because no Upanishadic study is complete without the presence of a Guru. As a result, the Upanishad has explained all its contents through the words of the Guru. It is with the help of the Mandukya Upanishad that individuals learn to dissect their lives completely and in turn discover the Ultimate Truth.    The Upanishad has the uniqueness to declare the uncut, raw Truth without any kind of polish or decoration and embellishment which may cause the human minds and intellects t...

KATHA UPANISHAD : 4. Swami Advayananda.

 ============================================================= ============================================================ Tuesday, April 17, 2022, 21:00  Chapter 1.Section-1: (29 Mantras) : The story of Nachiketas in the House of Death (“A Leap Into the Beyond”) :  Bhashyam by Sri Swami Adi Shankaracharya ji. =============================================================== Chapter-1 Section-1. Mantram -4 : Father’s Curse on Nachiketas "Sa hovaca pitaram tata kasmai mam dasyasti, dvitiyam trtiyam tam hovaca mrtyave tva dadamiti." Translation : 1.Sa ha uvacha pitaram tata = He said unto his father: 2.“Kasmai mam dasyasi?” iti; = “To whom wilt thou give me?” 3.dvitiyam trtiyam  tam ha uvaacha. = (He repeated this) a second and a third  time.  (Then his  father angrily) retorted to him: 4.“Mrityave tva dadami!” iti.  = “Unto Death do I give thee!” Commentary : 1 In saying this, his only motive was to protect his father’s reputation. 2 It was to conve...

TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 6 : by Rishi Yajnavalkya.

 ============================================================ ============================================================== PART 1: 12 No.Chapters  Chapter-1.On the Science of Pronunciation etc. ============================================================== FIVE UPASANAS ON SANDHEES :  Chapter-1.Section -3: Mantram-2 Upasana 1 – About the “Worlds” =============================================================== The “Great Word-Junctions” 1.3.1a Prayer by Teacher and Student ============================================================== Monday, May 16, 2022. 19:00. FIVE UPASANAS ON SANDHEES Chapter-1. Section-3. Mantram -2 : Upasana 1 – About the “Worlds” Post-6. ================================================================ Mantram : 2. "Atha adhi-lokam; prithivi purva rupam; dhau uttara rupam; akashah sandhih; vayuh sandhanam; ityadhilokam." ============================================================== Translation : atha adhi-lokam; = Now the teaching concerning the “...

AITAREYA UPANISHAD : 6. - Rishi Maheedasa Aitareya.

 =============================================================== ============================================================== Sunday, May 15, 2022. 19:00. 3 Parts, 6 Chapters, 33 No. Mantras - “By a Peasant for the Peasant” Introduction : PART - 1 : Chapter One : THE THEORY OF CREATION. PART 1: Chapter 1, 4 Mantras - The Creation of the Worlds Chapter- 1,  Section-1. Mantram - 4 :  The Eight Chief Devatas are Created :- ======================================================== (a) "Tam abhyatapat  tasya abhitaptasya Mukham nir-abhi-dyata,  yatha andam; mukhatvak, vachah agnih; He (Brahman) brooded upon this “lump” (Hiranyagarbha);   as He was thus brooding upon it,  1.The Agni Devata :   A Mouth burst forth from it as a cleft,   just as an egg cracks; from the Mouth proceeded  Speech, from Speech emerged Agni, the Fire Deity. 2.) The Vayu Devata : "Nasike nirabhidyetam, nasikabhyam pranah, pranad vayuh;  Then His (Hiranya...

KENA UPANISHAD : “Know That Alone as Brahman” : 5.

 ============================================================== ================================================================ 4 Chapters,  No. Mantras. - 34. =============================================================== Saturday, April 23, 2022. 19:00. Chapter 1 : The Nature of BRAHMAN ================================================================ Mantram 1.3.a : Beyond the Senses and Mind ( First two lines ) Post-5. ================================================================ Mantram first two lines : "Na tatra chakshur  gacchhati,  na vag gacchhati na manah;  na vidyah na vijanimo,  yatha etad anushishyat." ============================================================== Translation : 1 na tatra chakshur  gacchhati,   = the eye does not go there; 2 na vag gacchhati na manah;     = nor speech; nor the mind; 3 na vidyah na vijanimo,                = we do not know that, 4 yatha e...

ISHAVASYA UPANISHAD : - 5. Swami Tejomayananda.

 =============================================================== ================================================================ Friday, May 13, 2022. 18:00 Wave 2: MEDITATIONS on the Self Mantras 4-8 (5 No.)  ============================ Mantram 5: Finding the Correct Means "Tat ejati tat na ejati, tat doore tat u antike;  tat antah asya sarvasya,  tat u sarvasya asya baahyatah." Translation : 1 Tat ejati tat na ejati, = That (the Atman) moves and yet It moves not; 2 tat doore tat u antike; = It is far away and yet It is near; 3 tat antah asya sarvasya, = It is within all of this; 4 tat u sarvasya asya baahyatah.=  and yet It is also outside of all this. Commentary : This second verse dealing with the “Riddles”, places before us more clues as to where the Self could be hiding. The whole hunt seems to be a futile exercise. The point being made is that we are using the wrong means to discover the Self. Until we adopt the right means, it is going to be impossib...

A Master Message of the Ancient Rishis -6. Swami Krishnananda.

 ============================================================== =============================================================== Tuesday, May 03, 2022. 20:00. Thinking the Cosmic Totality- 6 (Spoken on April 25, 1972 during night satsang on Swamiji's 50th birthday.) ================================================================ We have a peculiar notion that all this is perhaps not meant for us, and for our immediate purposes there seems to be something better than this. This is our folly. Even material fruits, even artha and kama, even temporal satisfaction, even abhyudaya or prosperity in this world, shall be ours if this attitude is to be adopted. We will have satisfaction in this world also. Do not think that we lose this world for the sake of God. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even taking for granted for the time being that the Realisation of God is in some way quite opposed to the satisfactions of t...

Mandukya Upanishad : 1. T.N.Sethumadhavan

 ================================================================ ============================================================== Monday, May 02, 2022. 20:00. An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal  Introduction :1. ============================================================== Bracelet is an illusory appearance of gold; only when the gold is forgotten does one see a bracelet. Even so, are the illusory notions of a nation or the world and also that of repeated births. When the false notion of the bracelet is rejected, the truth of the gold is revealed; and when the false notion of the subject-object is rejected, there is no ignorance to create a division. Thought alone creates all these divisions and illusions. When it ceases, creation ceases too, then you realize that all the waves constitute one ocean, dolls are wood, pots are clay and the three worlds are absolute Brahman. – Yoga Vasishtha. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...