A Master Message of the Ancient Rishis -7. Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================= ========================================================================= Monday, May 23, 2022. 19:00. Thinking the Cosmic Totality- 7 (Spoken on April 25, 1972 during night satsang on Swamiji's 50th birthday.) ======================================================================== From this very day, try to change your attitude. For this, you need not do anything with your hands and feet. You have only to think differently. What a marvel it would be for yourself and your whole life, the whole world, as it were. It would not merely be a benefit for you that you have brought upon yourself, but a benefit for the whole world. Enmity will cease in the international field. Miraculously, as it were, people will become friends without your knowing. A wonder will work in the world. Do not think that you have not got this strength. You have the power within you. Every one of us has this power because the infinit...