KENA UPANISHAD : “Know That Alone as Brahman” - 9. Swami Tejomayananda.

===================================================================== Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission was warmly welcomed by the members and devotees of Chinmaya Mission Portland after a long haul of over three years. Swamiji kept the audience riveted on his tips on managing the mind with his enlightening discourses on Mind Technology. Here is a quote from his talk along with photographs from the 3 day series in July 2022. "If you decide to lift yourself, the whole universe contrives to make things happens. And a mind that obeys you, alone is your best friend." ======================================================================= Chapters, 4. No of Mantras. - 34. ========================================================================= Sunday, July 31, 2022. 19:00. Chapter 2 -Subtlety of “KNOWING” Brahman (5 Mantras) Mantram-1: Did the Student Understand? Post -9. ==================================================================...