PRASHNA UPANISHAD.7 - Rishi Pippalada



#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”

##KABANDHI’S QUESTION : Query No 1: “Matter & Energy”


Monday, July 18, 2022. 20:30. 

Mantrm - 1.7 Vaishwanara – The Immediate Source of Prana & Rayi



"Sah eshah vaishwaanarah, vishwaroopah; praanah agnih udayate
tad etat rik abhi-uktam":


Translation :

1 Sah eshah vaishwaanarah, vishwaroopah; praanah agnih udayate; = He is this Vaishwanara 

(the sum total of all beings), assuming all forms; Prana is the fire that rises everyday.

2 tad etat rik abhi-uktam: = This is supported by a Rig Veda Mantra:


Commentary :

By the Upasana done in the previous two verse, the student learns to behold the 

Total Creation (Hiranyagarbha or Vaishvanara) in everything. This is the height that can be 

achieved through the Apara Vidya or lower knowledge. Vaishwanara is the one who 

possesses all forms and also all formless creation. Prana and Rayi together are Vaishvanara.

1 Vaishvaanara is the Consciousness that is associated with all creation, whether 

visible or invisible, i.e. both gross and subtle, both Prana and Rayi. As a Deity, he is called 

Hiranyagarbha (the “cosmic womb”) or Aditya (the Sun Deity). Vaishvaanara stands at the 

apex of creation; it is from him that everything is created. Hence, he is also called the

 “FirstBorn”. This explains why he is regarded as “the sum total of all living beings

The symbol of the Sun for such a Lord is very clear in this line. The strong suggestion 

is that we should see ourselves as being the Sun, and live for the sake of others.

From an Absolute standpoint, in Vedantic philosophy there is no such person as “the 

individual being”! He does not exist. He is a mysterious non-entity. In this context, our 

thought that “we” are the enjoyers in our bodies is shattered to bits. We shall see later that 

it is this Vaishwanara who is seen as the Enjoyer through all bodies.

From Individuality to Universality :

The emphasis is on seeing unity within the diversity of creation. Only by such a broad 

vision can one truly develop the right attitude towards the whole universe.

The students are being encouraged to see themselves not just as puny little egos, 

but identified with the rest of creation in the universe. Coming out of narrow individuality 

into a greater circle embracing all others, is the foundation of spiritual growth.

The symbolism of the Sun represents the energy or vitality that expresses itself 

through matter. It is common in all living creatures.

Does this make Vaishvanara the Supreme Being? No, although in some religions the 

concept of God ends at Vaishvanara. The highest Vedantic Truth is the all-pervading 

Brahman who is beyond Vaishvanara. We have not come to that level in this text yet. Up to 

this point we are still dealing with Consciousness in association with the Total Mind, not the 

Pure Consciousness which is Brahman.

However, even without bringing in the highest level, the student’s outlook has been

substantially elevated just by seeing the universality of the Life-Principle. It is already a huge 

step we have taken towards grasping the highest Reality. From individuality to universality is 

a huge leap, indeed. It is the leap from Jiva to Ishwara. However, both these have 

associations attached to them – the former is the microcosm and the latter the macrocosm. 

When these attachments are dropped we see the unity of both these – as Brahman! 

2 There is a Sruti quotation which supports the above vision


Next-Mantram - 1.8 Sruti Quotation: “The Sun That Rises”

To be continued .....



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