
Showing posts from October, 2022

PRASHNA UPANISHAD.13. - Rishi Pippalada.

 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= #6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered” ##KABANDHI’S QUESTION :  Query No 1: “Matter & Energy” ========================================================================= Tuesday, November 01,  2022. 06:00.  UPASANAS ON PRAJAPATI (TIME) ========================================================================= Mantram- 1.13 : C. The Day as Time Cycle 1 Ahah-raatrah vai prajaapatih; tasya ahah eva praanah; raatrih eva rayih.  2 Praanam vaa ete pra-skandanti ye diva ratyaa samyujyante;  3 brahmacharyam eva tadyad  raatrau ratyaa samyujyante.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 Ahah-raatrah vai prajaapatih; tasya ahah eva praanah; raatrih eva rayih. = A full day-night cycle is Pr...

KAIVALYA UPANISHAD : 15. Swami Advaitananda.

 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= From the Atharva Veda (26 Mantras) : “The HOMOGENEITY of Brahman” 5. OUR SPIRITUAL ROOTS : Mantras : 15-19, 5 no. ======================================================================== Monday, October 31, 2022. 06:00.  Mantram : 15 - The Material Cause of All Post -15. ======================================================================== 5. OUR SPIRITUAL ROOTS : Mantras : 15-19, 5 no. Mantram : 15 - The Material Cause of All 1 "etasmaat jaayate praanaho, 2 manah sarva indryaani cha;  3 kham vaayu jyotih aapah, 4 prthivee vishwasya dhaarinee."  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 etasmaat jaayate praanaho, = From Him are born the Prana (life), 2 manah sarva indryaani cha; = the Antahkarana (mind), and all the organs...

TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 15. Rishi Yajnavalkya.

 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== PART 1:  Chapters : 12. Chapter - "pramaa aayantu brahmachaarinah swaahaa;"-1.On the Science of Pronunciation etc. Section-5.The mystic expression'Mahah'        ========================================================================= Sunday, October 30, 2022. 07:00. Mantram-1. Post-15. ========================================================================= Chapter-1.On the science of pronunciation etc. Section-5.The mystic expression'Mahah' Mantram-1.VyaahritIs or “Mystical Utterances” ======================================================================== MANTRAM : 1 bhooh bhuvah suvah iti vai etaah tisrah vyaahrtayah;  2 taasaam u ha  etaam chaturtheem; mahaachamasyah pravedayate;  3 maha iti; tat brahma; It is named “Mahah”;  4 sah aatmaa angaani anyaa devataah. ------------------------...

AITAREYA UPANISHAD - 14. Rishi Maheedasa Aitareya.

 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 3 Parts, 6 Chapters, 33 No. Mantras : “By a Peasant for the Peasant” PART - 1 : Chapter -2 : Mantras Nos-5. POST-14. ========================================================================= Saturday, October 29, 2022. 07:00. PART 1: Chapter 3A, 10 Mantras. :  Creation of FOOD ======================================================================= HOW IS THE FOOD TO BE CAUGHT? (Mantras - 3.3 to 3.10) ========================================================================= Now starts an interesting form of presentation, absolutely unique to this Upanishad.  The food has got to be consumed by some means to supply the body with nutrition. This  was assumed to be a simple matter at first, but Brahmaji Himself must have perspired when  He realized what a difficult problem it was! Why, He came jolly close to abandoning the...

MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 14. Swami Advayananda.

 ========================================================================= ======================================================================== 6 Chapters (64 Mantras) Chapter-1. Section-2. 2. A CLOSE LOOK AT RITUALS : (Mantras 10-22, 13 no.) ========================================================================= Friday, October 28, 2022. 06:00. Post - 14. ======================================================================= 14.Mantram - 2.5: The Flames Lead One to Heaven 1 "eteshu yah charate bhraaja-maaneshu, 2 yathaa kaalam cha ahutayo hi aadadaayan;  3 tam nayanti etaah sooryasya rashmayah, 4 yatra devaanaam patih ekah adhivaasah."  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 eteshu yah charate bhraaja-maaneshu, = He who, into these (seven) moving tongues of shining flames, 2 yathaa kaalam cha ahutayo hi aadadaayan; = at the proper time,  makes his offerings of...

MANDUKYA UPANISHAD with GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA : 1 Introduction : Swami Advayanandaji

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= MANDUKYA UPANISHAD MANTRAS-12. “It HOPS Like a FROG” ========================================================================= Thursday, October 27, 2022. 07:00. 1.Introduction : ========================================================================= A PECULIAR CHARACTERISTIC of this Upanishad is that its thought “hops about”  rather abruptly between the four Quarters around which the theme is centred. The  Quarters are like the four corners of a room in which a frog is trapped. The frog goes on  hopping from one corner to the next. That is what this Upanishad does. It is why it gets its  name – ‘Mandukya’ (pronounced ‘Maandookya’) means “like a frog”. Another reason for the appropriate name is that frogs keep silent and reserved for  nearly nine months of the year, and then when the rainy season appears, they su...

KATHA UPANISHAD - 13. Swami Advayananda.

 ======================================================================== Chinmaya Mission Deepavali Celebrations ========================================================================= Wednesday, October 26,  2022, 06:30. Chapter 1.Section-1: (29 Mantras) : The story of Nachiketas in the House of Death (“A Leap Into the Beyond”) :  Bhashyam by Sri Swami Adi Shankaracharya ji. ========================================================================= Chapter-1, Section-1. THE SECOND BOON 1.1.13: Boon 2: “Heavenly Worlds for My People” Post-13. ========================================================================= Mantram-13 : 1 "Sah tvam agnim svargyam adhyeshi mrityo 2 prabroohi tam shraddadhaanaaya mahyam;   3 svarga-lokaah amritatvam bhajante 4 etat dviteeyena vrine varena."   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 Sah tvam agnim svargyam adhyeshi...