KENA UPANISHAD : “Know That Alone as Brahman” - 16. Swami Tejomayananda.

========================================================================= ========================================================================= Thursday, December 01, 2022. 07:00. Chapter 3, 12 Mantras. An Illustrative STORY The Inner Essence Post -16. ======================================================================== INDRA HIMSELF GOES TO MEET BRAHMAN Mantram - 3.11: Indra Himself is Sent With Translation 1 atha indram abruvan, maghavan = The Gods then said to Indra: “O Chief of the Gods! 2 etad vijaaneehi; kim etad = Find out for us who this yaksham iti, tathaa iti. = adorable Spirit is.” Indra agreed. ==================================================================== Mantram - 3.12: Indra’s Strange Meeting With Umadevi 3 tad abhyadravat, = Indra hastened towards the Spirit, tasmaat tirodadhe. ...