
Saturday 09, Mar 2024. 07:20.


Agama Prakarana – “The Scriptural Treatise”


PART 1: Agama Prakarana (Mantras-29.)


Upanishad Section 3: 

Mantras - 8-12



Karika Section 4.1:   

Mantram - 4.2: Salutation to the “Asparsha Yoga”



Mantram - 4.2: Salutation to the “Asparsha Yoga”  

asparsha yogah vai naama,  =  The “Asparsha Yoga” (Yoga of “No Contact”) 

sarva sattwa sukhah hitah; =  promotes the happiness and well-being of all; 

avivaadah aviruddhah cha, = it is beyond all disputes, strife and contradiction; 

deshitah tam namaami aham. = it is taught by the scriptures . I bow down to it! 


In this second mantram, the path that is prescribed is introduced. It is named Asparsha 

Yoga, and is highly recommended and honoured by the sages of yore. The intention of the 

verse is clearly to glorify it in order to remove any doubt in the student’s mind that the path 

may have any flaws in it. By clearing this doubt, the Acharya clears the way for the student 

to accept wholeheartedly the teaching that follows. 



 This verse is a salutation that extols the Asparsha Yoga which is the direct method 

taught to very ripe students of the philosophy of the Upanishads. Asparsha Yoga is 

mentioned in verse III.39, where it was said that it was suitable for Category One students. 

In this Yoga, the basic assumption is that the whole world exists only in the mind. Thus by 

simply dealing with one’s mind, one attempts to negate every thought arising in it. 

It goes without saying that nothing is mentioned about all the many valid spiritual 

practices mentioned in various scriptures, such as Japa (chanting of the Name), rituals, etc. 



 This is the path that leads one directly to the union with one’s true Self. Hence, it is 

said here to be conducive to one’s highest happiness and well-being as well as the 

happiness and well-being of all.  

The Bhashya comments that some paths propose very severe austerities to its 

followers. Although these practices do bring their own benefits, they are not part of the plan 

in this Yoga. This Yoga is not painful to anyone. True, something that is painless may bring 

joy but it may not be beneficial. This is not the case in this Yoga. It is both joyful and 

beneficial, since its nature is ever unchanging. 



 As there are no “relationships” with the world, there is no chance of any disputes, 

strife or contradiction arising in this Yoga. It shows the way to render the mind thought-free. 

That is its sole concern or “sphere of activity”. Thus it steers away from all controversy. 

Because this knowledge is not mind-based, it is free from all possibilities of contradiction or 

controversy. This is especially significant as from the very next verse, how the dualists 

contradict each other is to be taken up for discussion. 



 This path is the highest and most direct path that is taught in the Upanishads, the 

philosophical portion of the Vedas. It has the stamp of scriptural authority on it. It also 

stands verified, time-honoured and well-protected by an unending Guru Parampara or 

lineage which carries the knowledge forward from generation to generation. 



MANTRAM - 4.3: Positing of Cause for Creation 




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