The Doctrine of the Upanishads:2. Swami Krishnananda

=================================================================================== Friday 01, November 2024, 06:50. Article Scriptures The Doctrine of the Upanishads:2. Swami Krishnananda =================================================================================== Naive Realism (Continued) If mind and consciousness are products of matter, they must be inherent in matter. What is not in the cause in some form or the other cannot be produced as the effect. If the cause is matter, the effect also would be matter. If mind and consciousness are facts of experience, and if they are said to be effects, they must have a conscious cause, too. How can something arise from nothing? The attempt to merge the entire individual experiencer in a material universe is bound to end in failure. Epistemologically and metaphysically the theory of naive realism is found to be unsatisfactory on account of its inability to explain facts of consciousness and experience of matter by consciousness. W...