
Showing posts from October, 2024

MUNDAKOUPANISHAD - 62. Swami Advayananda.

=================================================================================== Saturday 05, October 2024, 07:00. 6 Chapters (64 Mantras) Here begins the second Section of the Third Canto.  6. QUALITIES SEEN IN A SAGE  (Mantras -54-64, 11 no.)  61. Mantram 6.8:  Videhamukti:  As “Rivers into the Ocean”   Post - 62. =================================================================================== 61. Mantram 6.8:  Videhamukti:  As “Rivers into the Ocean”:   1  yathaa nadyah syandamaanaah  samudre-, = As Rivers flowing towards and into the ocean,  2  astam gacchhanti naama-roope vihaaya; = disappear upon entering it, and lose their  identity of name and form;  3  tathaa vidvaan naamaroopaat vimuktah, = so also, the wise man, frees himself of his  name and form identity,  4  paraatparam purusham upaiti divyam. = upon attaining the divine nature of the Highest of the high, the Supreme Purusha ==================================================================================== 1-2.  A


=================================================================================== Friday 04, October 2024, 06:10. MANDUKYA UPANISHAD  GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA Agama Prakarana – “The Scriptural Treatise” ================================================================================== GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA:  PART 4/4:   ALAATA-SHANTI PRAKARANA (100 mantras): Quenching the Firebrand: The SANKHYANS Refuted: Karika Section 4.3:    Mantras - 14-23 (10 No.)  Mantram -4.20: The ‘Unproved’ Used as Proof!  Post-35. =================================================================================== Mantram -4.20: The ‘Unproved’ Used as Proof!  1 Beeja ankura aakhyah drishtaantah, = The illustration of a seed-sprout itself  2 sadaa saadhyasamah hi sah; = has, indeed, yet to be proven;  3 na hi saadhyasamah hetuh, = Surely, the ‘unproved’ cannot be used as ‘proof’  4 siddhau saadhyasya yujyate. = to establish a proposition that is to be proved!   =========================================================

KATHOUPANISHAD - 66. Swami Advayananda.

================================================================================== Thursday 03, October 2024, 06:10. KATHOPANISHAD Chapter 1.3:    17 Mantras:  THE JOURNEY AHEAD THE GLORY OF THIS JOURNEY Mantram - 1.3.17: Auspicious Recitation of this Knowledge  Post - 66. ================================================================================== Mantram - 1.3.17: Auspicious Recitation of this Knowledge:  1  Yah imam paramam guhyam =Should anyone get this highest secret    2  shraavayet brahma sam-sadi; = recited before an assembly of Brahmanas;  3  prayatah shraaddha kaale vaa = or at the time of the purificatory rites for the dead,  4a  tadaa anantyaaya kalpate; = then the recital becomes conducive to eternal fruit;  4b  tadaa anantyaaya kalpate iti. = indeed, it becomes conducive to eternal fruit!  ==================================================================================== 1  Special credit is given in this last verse of Part 1 to the active field worker who  assist

Rishi Yajnavalkya in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: 6. Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) is with Brni Taarini Chaitanya at Peruva, Vaikam:   Hari Om. On 28 September 2024, the Home Study Courses Department organised a transformative stress management session for the teachers of Sree Saraswathy Vidya Mandir, Karikode, Peruva, led by Brni. Taarini Chaitanya. With her deep understanding of Vedanta and extensive experience, Brni. Taarini shared practical insights on managing stress in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and personal responsibilities. The session fostered meaningful discussions on mindfulness, emotional well-being, and the vital importance of self-care, all designed to enhance the teachers' daily lives. The teachers actively participated and shared their thoughts. They expressed a desire to implement these timeless principles from the Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures into their lives, highlighting the impact of the teachings on their well-being and professional journey. Overall, the event was hig