TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 66. Rishi Yajnavalkya.


Sunday  06, October 2024, 06:50.
Taittiriya Upanishad
PART 2: 9 No. Anuvakas (Chapters)
Mantram - 2.4.2: Manomaya Kosha as “Inner Self” of Pranamaya Kosha
Post - 66.


Mantram - 2.4.2: Manomaya Kosha as “Inner Self” of Pranamaya Kosha:

tasya eshah eva shaareera aatmaa; = This Manomaya  indeed is the embodied self,  

yah poorvasya. = of the preceding self, the Pranamaya. 



 The Manomaya Kosha is the one that directly controls the Pranamaya Kosha. 

Being so close to each other, these two sheaths have a major influence on each 

other. We have already learnt that when breath is controlled the mind gets calm. When the 

mind is agitated, the breath, too, becomes erratic. Despite this interconnection, the mind 

always holds the upper hand over the Prana. 


Mantram - 2.4.3: Changeover: Vijnanamaya Kosha within Manomaya Kosha: 

tasmaat vai etasmaat = As compared with this self   

manomayaat; = made of the Mind, 

anyah aantara aatmaa = There is another self within it   

vijnaanamayah = made of Intelligence. 

tena eshah poornah = By that  (of Intelligence) is this  one (of Mind) filled.  

sah vai eshah = what was that (earlier), is this (henceforth); 

purusha-vidhah eva; = This  is also verily of the human form. 

tasya purusha-vidhataam; = The human form of that (the Mind sheath) continues 

anu ayam purusha-vidhah = as the human form of this (the Intelligence sheath).



 Compared to this current Manomaya Kosha, made of Mind there is the next , 

sheath, called Vijnanamaya Kosha, made of Intellect,  which is within the Manomaya. This 

next sheath is subtler than the former, pervades it entirely, and controls the Mental processes. 


 So far, “this” referred to the current Kosha (Manomaya) we are just finishing with, 

and “that” referred to the next Kosha (Vijnanamaya) we are going to deal with. Thus, the 

line means: The Manomaya is filled and exceeded all round by the Vijnanamaya Kosha.  


‘Manomaya’ becomes ‘Previous’; ‘Vijnanamaya’ becomes ‘Current’; ‘Anandamaya’ is waiting in the queue as the ‘Next’.  


 The Vijnanamaya sheath takes the same human form as the Mind sheath. 



Mantram- 2.4.4:  Human Form Characteristics of Vijnanamaya Kosha 




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