
Showing posts from January, 2025

The Philosophy of the Panchadasi: 3. Swami Krishnananda.

=========================================================================================== Sunday 05, January 2025, 11:20. The Philosophy of the Panchadasi: 3.  Swami Krishnananda. Chapter 1: Discrimination of Reality-3. ========================================================================== ================== The Evolution of the Universe: Prakriti or the matrix of the universe, animated by a reflection of Consciousness or Brahman, divides itself in the beginning into the cosmic forces called Sattva (equilibrium), Rajas (distraction) and Tamas (inertia). These three properties of Prakriti are really its very constituents, not merely qualifications or adjuncts, and stand to Prakriti in the relation of the three strands of a rope to the rope itself. Cosmic Sattva is called Maya. On account of its transparency and the absence of the property of Rajas in it, it is omnipresent and reflects in its essence Brahman in a universal manner. The cosmic reflection of Brahman in the Sattva ...

The Path of Devotion in the Epics and Puranas: 3. Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================================== Saturday 04, January 2025, 11:25 Article Scriptures The Path of Devotion in the Epics and Puranas: 3. Swami Krishnananda. Post-3. ======================================================================================== The stories of the Puranas and the Epics illustrate this important point of the divine relationship that eternally subsists between God and man. No one can read this literature without a stir in one's nerves and rapture in one's mind. No one can read this wondrous literature without a tear in one's eyes, because here it is that you know how to touch God through your soul, through your feelings, through your affection. When do you shed a tear? When your feelings are stirred; not even the best scientific argument can make you shed a single drop of tear. The heart should be shaken from its very roots, and then even the philosopher kneels down on the floor.  This i...

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad -27. Swami Krishnananda.

  =========================================================================================== Friday 03, January 2025, 12:10. Upanishads: The Secret of the Katha Upanishad:  Discourse No. 5 Swami Krishnananda. Post - 27. ================================================================================== The difficulty of the practice of yoga, the way of the Spirit, lies in this central enigma of our not having any knowledge of what has befallen us, where we stand actually at this present moment, and what is required of us for our true freedom. There are several layers of our bondage. The bondage is not only external, but also internal. It is woven into our texture like a carpet that is knit with various layers of thread. It is wide, and also thick. If you remove one layer, you will find another layer underneath it. There is an organic complication, as it were, in the bondage which is part of us. The practice of yoga is, thus, not a straight movement towards a given point or a t...

The Chhandogya Upanishad - 74: Swami Krishnananda.

  =================================================================================================================== Thursday 02, January 2025. 12:45. The Chhandogya Upanishad - 74:  Swami Krishnananda. Appendix 2: Samvarga-Vidya Post-74. =================================================================================== 7.Sa ha ksattanvisya navidam iti pratyeyaya, tam hovaca yatrare brahmanasyanvesana tad-enam arccheti. He could not find a man of that kind anywhere. Raikva with a cart could not be discovered. So he came back to the king and said, "I cannot find him." The king said: "You search for such great people in cities and marketplaces? You should go to such places where great men live. Such men as Raikva will not live in cities. Go to solitary places, temples, riverbanks and such other sacred spots—isolated, sequestered regions. There alone such great people stay. Where knowers of Brahman would live, you know very well. Go there and search." 8.So'dhasta...

TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 73. Rishi Yajnavalkya.

======================================================================================= Wednesday 01, January 2024, 12:40. Taittiriya Upanishad Part-2. BRAHMANANDA VALLI PART 2: 9 No. Anuvakas (Chapters) THE BLISS THAT IS BRAHMAN Anuvaka 2.6  From Anandamaya to Atman   Mantram -2.6.2:  Anandamaya Kosha as “Inner Self” of Vijnanamaya Kosha  Post - 73. ====================================================================================== Mantram -2.6.2:  Anandamaya Kosha as “Inner Self” of Vijnanamaya Kosha:  3.  tasya eshah eva shaareera aatmaa; = This Anandamaya indeed is the embodied self  yah poorvasya = of the preceding self, the Vijnanamaya.  =================================================================================== 3.  The Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath that controls the Vijnanamaya Kosha.  Although the intellect is the most superior instrument known to man, yet it is governed by the bliss sheath. The intellect is...