TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 75. Rishi Yajnavalkya.


Sunday 19, January 2025, 07:30.
Taittiriya Upanishad
PART 2: 9 No. Anuvakas (Chapters)
Anuvaka 2.6 
From Anandamaya to Atman  
THE ANUPRASHNAS: (Vital Questions by the Disciple) 
Coverage:  Anuvaka 2.6.4 onwards upto 2.8.1
Post - 75.


Bhashya C: 
Coverage:  Anuvaka 2.6.4 onwards upto 2.8.1.

SRI ADI SHANKARACHARYAJI DOES not leave any stone unturned in his efforts to ensure clarity and precision of each step in the unfoldment of the Truth. If the very existence of Brahman is doubted, then there is little point in proceeding further. Hence, not just one but Seven Proofs of Brahman are given between now and the end of Anuvaka 2.7. 

At the outset, Acharyaji gave us the 7 headings under which the discussion will 

follow from here on right up to Anuvaka 8, Mantram 2.8.1:


THE SEVEN PROOFS SUMMARIZED: (and Where they Occur) 

1. Jagat Kaaranatvat    – Mantram 2.6.4.   6-7 

 Brahman is the very Cause of this Creation. 

2. Guhayaam Upalabyate   – Mantram 2.6.5.   8 

 He has entered into the ‘cavity of our intellect’ as the doer, seer, hearer, feeler and thinker. 

3. Vibhaktwena Avabhaasat   – Mantram 2.6.6.   9-10 

 Being One, He has become Many; we behold His bounteous manifestations. 

4. Sukrita Prasiddhehe   – Mantram 2.7.1.   1-2 

 He has created everything by Himself without need of any external  

  assistance: or, He is the Punya (“merit” or “Meritorious One”), by which we are pulled back towards Him. 

5. Rasatwa Prasiddhehe   – Mantram 2.7.2.   3-4 

  He is the source of all Joy; we become happy by coming in contact with Him. 

6. Kaarya-Kaarana Sanghaat  – Mantram 2.7.3.   5-6 

  Due to His Presence, inert things are made to work sensibly; He is the sentient, unifying Presence behind effective activities. 

7. Bhaya-Abhaya Hetutwat   – Mantram 2.7.4.   7-8 

  Being in contact with Him, we become fearless, when we separate ourselves from Him, we are filled with terror.


This is supplementary to the topic of Brahman in this Upanishad. It deals with the reasons that establish Brahman’s existence. The Bhashya goes into great depths into this vital subject. Hereunder is presented all the debate on this issue in the Bhashya, in a simplified form. This section is an important part to the build-up of the logic of this Upanishad.




 1. Jagat Kaaranatvat 

Mantram 2.6.4 6-7 Brahman is the very Cause of this Creation; Verse 2.6.4: Brahman the “Cause” of Creation 




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