Mundakopanishad : Lineage of teachers : Mantram-1.

Mundaka-Upanishad : Chapter-1, Section-1, Mantram-s-1,2. Lineage of teachers : Mantram-1. Discussion-2. "about Brahma-Vidya" ..... This knowledge of the Supreme Reality is called "Brahma Vidya," may be, because it was first given out by "Brahmaji" or because it deals with "Brahmam", the term as used in the Upanishads for the "Eternal and Omniscient" Pure Consciousness. This "Brahma Vidya" has been glorified in the Upanishads as the "Science of all Sciences;" as the 'Knowledge of all Knowledges;' as the "foundation of all other Sciences"! The 'Sel...