Mundakopanishad : Santi Mantram ( Peace Invocation ) -2.

Mundaka-Upanishad :

Santi Mantram :

bhadram = what is auspicious;

karnenhih = by ears;

srnuyama = may we hear;

devah = Oh ! Gods;

bhadram = by eyes;

yajatrah = Oh worshipped ones;

sthiraih = hale and hearty;

angaih = by the limbs;

tustuvagm-sah = may we live offering our praises ( Unto Thee );

tanubhih = by the body;

vyasema = may we have;

devahitam = for the benefit of the deva-s;

yat-ayuh = ( lit. whatever ) entire span of life;

svasti = blessings;

nah = to us;

indrah = Devendran ( King/Lord of deva-s );

vrddha sravah = ancient and famous;

svasti = blessings;

nah = to us;

pusa = sun;

visva-vedah = the all-knowing;

svasti = blessings;

nah = to us;

taksyah = vayu ( wind );

aristanemih = who saves (us) from harm;

svasti = blessings;

nah = to us;

brahaspaih = Brahaspati ( Protector of the Spiritual wealth in us );

dadhatu = may ( He ) give;

Om = symbol of Parabrahmam ( Supreme );

santi = peace be;

santi = peace be;

santi = peace be.

To be continued  ...


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