Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2, Section-1, Mantram-8. { Objects, organs and their presiding deities are also the creation of Brahmam }.
Mundakopanishad :
Mantram-8. { Objects, organs and their presiding deities are also the creation of Brahmam }.
Discussion-3."Oblations referred "......
The oblations referred to here must naturally mean the knowledge gained, when the power of cognition shooting out through the senses, comes in contact with their respective objects.
Oblation is that which is thrown into the flames ( homa-dravyam poured in homakundam ) and which sinks down into the very source of the flame, there to get itself digested and burnt down.
Next : Discussion-4. "The seven loka-s" ......
To be continued .....
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