UPANISHAD MANDUKYA : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins : Karika Mantram-s 10 to 18. Mantram-10 : Discussion :

======================================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/09/2019. Mandukya Upanishad : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins : Karika Mantram-s 10 to 18. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram : 10. "Nivrtteh sarvaduhkhanamisanah prabhuravyayah advaitah sarvabhavanam devasturyo vibhuh smrtah." Nivrtteh = free from; sarva duhkhanam = all miseries; Isanah = the Lord; prabhuh = omnipotent; avyayah = immutable; advaitah = non-dual; sarva bhavanam = all entities; devah = effulgent; turyah = turiya; vibhuh = all-pervading; smrtah = is considered. "In that which is indicated as the changeless and the Supreme Lord, there is a cessation of all miseries. It is...