Mandukya Upanishad : 6. T.N.Sethumadhavan.



Tuesday, August 02, 2022. 21:20. 

An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal 







"svapnasthano antah prajnah saptanga ekonavimshati mukhah pravivikta bhuk taijaso dvitiyah padah ".. 4..

The second quarter (pada) is the Taijasa whose sphere of activity is the dream, who is conscious of internal objects, who has seven limbs and nineteen mouths and who experiences the subtle objects. 

Waking consciousness is nothing but a state of mind when it is aware of the external

objects through its various means (i.e., through organs of perception, action, and 

antahkarana). This awareness leaves in the mind impressions (corresponding to the 

objects observed). In the dream state the same mind possesses impressions left on it in the 

waking state without any of the external means like a piece of canvas with a picture 

painted on it. Thus the experience of the dream state is also like that of waking state 

which is due to the influence of ignorance, desire and their action. 

The dreamer is called the swapnasthana because the dream state (taijasa) is his sphere of 

activity. Taijasa is called antahprajna or conscious of the internal because his 

consciousness in dream becomes aware of the mental states, which are the impressions 

left by the earlier waking states. The subject of the waking state (Visva) experiences 

consciousness associated with external objects, whereas in the dream state the object of 

the experience is consciousness consisting of vasanas, the impressions of the past 

experience. This dream-state-experience is thus called the experience of the subtle. 

The experiences of waking and dream states of mind are similar in nature. In both the 

states the experiencer is aware only of his mental states which are not related to any 

external objects as they are not existent. From the stand-point of dream, dream objects 

are as gross and material as those experienced in the waking state. From the view point of 

waking state alone, one may infer that the dream objects are subtle, i.e., composed of 

mere impressions of the waking state, in as much as in the dream state no gross object 

exists at all.

The rest of the mantra (seven limbs and nineteen mouths) is the same as the previous one. 

This is the second pada of the Atman. 







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