AITAREYA UPANISHAD - 21. Rishi Maheedasa Aitareya.

Chinmaya Mission :

Hatu Sime Banga a Self Health Group is a family of Scheduled Tribe communities in a remote village in Balabhadrapur Khas Panchayat. 

They have united to improve their livelihoods through poultry farming, goat rearing, fishing, and vegetable farming. 

Each member earns between Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000 per year. 

Recently, they invested Rs. 3,60,000 to start a 1000-capacity broiler poultry farm with support from Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development Deuladiha and a 40% subsidy from the veterinary department of the Government of Odisha. 

The Integrated Tribal Development Agency and district administration awarded them the Best Self Health Group award in 2022. 

Their inspiring success story was featured on All India Radio Keonjhar on December 16th, 2022. 

The group demonstrates the power of unity to achieve a common goal.


Friday, February 24, 2023. 07:00.


Chapter 4 - 




Mantram - 4.1: The “First Birth” – The Pregnant Father.

With Translation :

Om. purushe ha vai ayam  =  Om. In a man, verily, is first produced that 

aaditah garbhah bhavati;  =  which (later) develops as the embryo.

yat etat retah  =  That which is the semen (or seed),

tat etat sarvebhyah angebhyah,  =  is drawn from all his limbs, and is

tejah sambhootam;  =  the essence of his strength and vigour.

aatmani eva aatmaanam bibharti;  =  In his own very being, he holds that self (as semen).

tat yadaa striyaam sinchati,  =  When he pours this into a womb,

atha enat janayati;  =  he causes it (the Self, a child) to be born.

tat asya prathamam janma.  =  This is its FIRST BIRTH.


The Role of the Father :

2 Purushe: 

The conception process begins in man, and develops later in the woman 

as the embryo and thereafter as the foetus. 

This beginning is to be analysed carefully. The production of semen, the vital fluid 

in man, comes from the best part of food. It is formed from the condensation of the finest 

particles of strength and vitality within the human body. The whole body contributes to the 

life-giving particles in semen. Thus it is to be regarded as a very precious fluid not only 

because of its productivity, but also because of its essential ingredients of vitality. It should 

not be wasted purely for the pleasure of it. This is the understanding we are to take.

4 Aatmani: 

semen is, in one sense, a replication of the man’s own Self, as it has 

the potential to produce another human being. The two beings, father and child, are thus 

very closely related to each other. We shall see that the Upanishad promotes the idea of 

seeing “one’s self in one’s child”.

5 Sinchati: 

The “pouring” of semen into the mother’s womb is said to be the first 

phase of initiating the birth process. Since the husband plays the primary role, it is he who is 

considered to be “pregnant” with the seed, ready to play his part in the creation process.

This moment of conception is called the “FIRST BIRTH”.


Chinmaya Mission :

  Someone once asked Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda, "We see crime and corruption everywhere in today's world. 
Why does not God come to the earth and finish the criminals?" 
Gurudev, in his characteristic witty style, replied, "For demons like Ravana and Kamsa, God's presence was necessary. 
For the present day Goondaas, we Swamis are enough!"

Mantram - 4.2: The Development of the Foetus
To be continued



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