
Showing posts from April, 2023

MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 25. Swami Advayananda.

========================================================================= 6 Chapters (64 Mantras) Chapter-2. (Mantras - 23-32, 10 no. Section-1 : THE SUPREME PURUSHA) ======================================================================== Monday, May 01, 2023. 08:00.  3. THE SUPREME PURUSHA (Mantras - 23-32, 10 no.) Thus begins the first Section of the Second Canto. Post - 25. ========================================================================= 25. Mantram - 3.3: Brahman as Hiranyagarbha – the Subtle Macrocosm 1.  etasmaaj-jaayate praanah,   =  From Him (Brahman) are born the Prana, 2.  manah sarvendriyaani cha;   =  the mind, and all the sense organs; 3.  kham vaayu jyotir-aapah,   =  (and also the elements) sky, wind, fire, water, 4.  prithivee vishwasya dhaarinee.   =  and earth which support all creation. ======================================================================== At first thought...

MANDUKYA UPANISHAD with GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA : 13. - Swami Advayananda ji.

========================================================================= Sunday, April 30, 2023. 08:00. MANDUKYA UPANISHAD  With Part -1/4 of Goudapada's Karika Agama Prakarana - "The Scriptural Treatise" ========================================================================= THE “FOURTH” QUARTER – TURIYA THE SYLLABLES OF “OM” Upanishad Section 3:  Mantras - 8-12 ======================================================================== The “frog”, famous for giving its name to the ‘Mandukya’ Upanishad, is beginning its  second round of hopping from Quarter to Quarter!  In the first round the purpose was specifically to detail the states of consciousness  represented by the four Quarters, namely waking, dream, deep sleep and the enlightened  state. The emphasis then was on the word, Om, and its component letters or syllables.  Now from the word, the emphasis shifts to the sound of Om, taken as a whole as  well as syllable by syllable, known in so...

KATHA UPANISHAD - 25. Swami Advayananda.

Adi Sankara Nilayam, Veliyanad Eranakulam, Kerala, India 682313 Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF), the Academia of Sanskrit Research and Indology, is the research wing of the Chinmaya Mission Worldwide. Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) Celebrating Adi Sankara Jayanti with pomp and splendour 🪔 The day’s proceedings began with a beautiful shadashopachara puja performed by Swami Sharadananda Saraswati, well-attended by devotees of all ages both online and on-site.  This was followed by an informational session presented by students of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, with insightful dialogue on various aspects of the great saint’s life. The Sanakara Jayanti Sammelana brought together esteemed scholars and speakers Prof. Ramakrishna Bhat (Sri Sankara University Kalady), Swami Viviktanananda (Regional Head CM), Swami Advayananda (President CIF) and Prof. Ajay Kapoor (VC Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth). The programme ended with the prize distribution ceremony for Sankara Jayanti Elocu...

KENA UPANISHAD ( ENDS HERE ) : “Know That Alone as Brahman” - 26. Swami Tejomayananda.

Chinmaya Mission :   The Summer Camp for Bala Vihar and Junior CHYK kids was held on April 20th and 21st, 2023, at the Chinmaya Mission in Melbourne. The event aimed to provide an exciting and educational experience for children to learn more about their culture and spirituality. During the camp, the Bala Vihar kids enjoyed listening to Lord Hanuman's stories and engaging in fun activities to develop the Hanuman spirit within them. Meanwhile, the Junior CHYK kids were given the opportunity to explore and understand their true selves. The second day of the camp included various activities, such as storytelling, discussions, Sanskrit learning, shloka chanting, bhajan singing, and craft-making with lively children. The event ended on a high note, with delicious food and lasting memories. ====================================================================== Friday, April 28 , 2023. 08:15. Chapter 4 - 9 Mantras. (The Story Interpreted) An Illustrative STORY The Inner Essence Post -26. ...

PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 24. - Rishi Pippalada.

========================================================================= #6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered” ##BHARGAVA’S QUESTION :  Query No 2: “The Supremacy of Power” ========================================================================= Sunday, April 23, 2023. 07:50. Mantram - 2.9 v) Prana as Creator, Destroyer & Preserver Post-24. ========================================================================= Mantram - 2.9 v) Prana as Creator, Destroyer & Preserver : 1.  Indrastvam praana tejasaa,  =  O Prana, the Lord Indra of all Energy! rudrah asi parirakshitaa;  =  Thou art Rudra in prowess and protection. 2.  Tvam antarikshe charasi  =  Thou movest in the sky; You are the  sooryah tvam jyotishaam patih.  =  orb of the Sun, the Lord of all lights. ======================================================================== The glorification of Prana continues; it is unending. Remember, Pra...

TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 26. Rishi Yajnavalkya.

========================================================================= Saturday, April 22, 2023. 06:25. “PANKTI” UPASANAS Part-1. Chapter -7. The Culture of “Fives” Post-26. ======================================================================== PANKTI IS DERIVED FROM the word ‘Pancha’, meaning “five”. The word Pankti is a  name given to a Vedic poetic meter with five Padas, each made up of five syllables. The  Padas are like the “feet” or steps by which the meter moves forward, and the syllables are  like the five toes of each foot. It is a commonly used meter, and sounds very sweet when  sung. The lines of this Anuvaka itself are set in the Pankti meter. Based on the number “Five”, we have another set of Upasanas; hence the name  “Pankti Upasanas”. The aim of these Upasanas is to provide yet another method by which  the student is able to connect the inner world to the outer world, since both are arranged in  groups of five. It also connects to t...

AITAREYA UPANISHAD - 25. Rishi Maheedasa Aitareya.

========================================================================= Friday, April 21, 2023. 06:40. PART 2 : The “THREE BIRTHS Chapter 4 -  Mantram - 4.5: Breaking Through Iron Fetters ========================================================================= Mantram - 4.5: Breaking Through Iron Fetters 16.  tad uktam rishinaa –   =  As to this it has been said by a Rishi: 17. garbhe nu san anuvedam aham,  = “While yet in the embryo, I knew well eshaam devaanaam janimaani vishvaa;  =  all the births of these Deities! 18.  shatam maa purah aayaseeh arakshan  =  A hundred iron citadels confined me down; adhah, shyenah javasaa niradeeyam, iti.  =  yet, like a hawk in full flight, forth I flew.” 19.  garbha eva etat shayaanah,   =  Even while lying in the womb, vaamadevah evam uvaacha.  =  the Rishi Vamadeva had spoken thus! =====================================================================...