PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 23. - Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 2:

“The Supremacy of Power”


Monday, April 10 , 2023. 06:50. 

Mantram - 2.8 iv) Prana as a “Courier Service”



Mantram - 2.8 iv) Prana as a “Courier Service”

Devaanaam asi vanhitamah  =  Thou art the best “courier” to the Gods;

pitrunaam prathamaa svadhaa;  =   and carry the first oblations to the forefathers.

risheenaam charitam satyam  =  Thou art the true, right conduct of the senses,

athah va-angirasaam asi.  =   which are the essential factors of the body.


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :

1 Vanhitamah: “the best carrier”. 

Now, yet another aspect of Prana is glorified – its 

power to “deliver our messages” to the correct desk in the Higher Government.

In its form as fire, the Prana delivers our prayerful intentions to the respective Heads 

(Devatas) of the Cosmic Government, which it is in overall charge of. This is the symbolism 

of the havan which was an essential practice amongst the Indian community in Vedic times, 

and still is among Hindus. 

We can just picture the scene: As the ghee is poured into the fire and the word 

“Swaha” is uttered, a flashing flame of fire leaps up from the havan kund and “delivers” the 

message immediately to the right department. This is the super-efficient cosmic delivery 

service, which never fails. Incidentally, the offerings to the forefathers are accompanied by 

the word “Swadha” as mentioned in the verse, and not “Swaha”.

2 Charitam Satyam: “the true, righteous behaviour of the senses.” 

The Rishi is telling us, “Why can’t we all work as our own sense organs do? Look how completely selfless they 

are. They just carry on with their duties, not worrying about the results. They obediently 

carry their ‘gifts’ to their Master, the Prana, whether it is success or failure, whether a thing 

is likeable or disagreeable. They do not see Raga-Dwesha in anything.”

And Guruji added, “Look how they help us to maneuver safely in our Indian traffic!” 

Angirasa: “the Juice of the Body.”The senses are the essential parts of the body. 

Without them the body dries up (dies). What a vision the Vedic seer had of life!



Mantram - 2.9 v) Prana as Creator, Destroyer & Preserver

To be continued



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