The Essence of the Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads - 3.8.& 4.1 - Swami Krishnananda.
========================================================================= Saturday, 01 Jul, 2023. 06:30. Chapter 3: Ishvara and Jiva-8. ======================================================================== There are grades of knots. These are called granthis in mystical psychology. Granthis are like rope knots but are actually psychic knots, the knots of the mind. We may call them the knots of consciousness, if we like, which have somehow or other got stifled into a consciousness of these knots, so that the knots cannot become aware of there being a long rope behind them. If there is a longish rope with several knots at various places on the rope, the knots do not cease to be the rope, though they are knots; they are knots of the rope itself. There may be a hundred knots, but they are constituted of the very stuff of the rope. But if the structure of the knot becomes conscious of that particular structure only, and not the rope aspect of the structure, that would be bonda...