PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 28. : Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 2:

“The Supremacy of Power”


Thursday, 15 Jun, 2023. 07:30.

Mantram - 2.13 Prayer to Prana – 2 



Mantram - 2.13 Prayer to Prana – 2 

Praanasya idam vashe sarvam  =  All ‘this’ is within the control of Prana;

tridive yat pratishthitam;  =  all ‘that’ , too, is under its control.

Maataa eva putraan rakshasva  =   Protect us as a mother protects her children;

shreeh cha prajnaam cha  =   May prosperity (splendour) and wisdom 

vidhehi nah, iti.  =  be ordained for us!


The glorious praise and prayer of the senses and the mind (independent of the ego)

that was begun in mantram 2.5, concludes with this mantram.

The instruments of Prana (the senses and the mind) are well aware of their duty; it is 

just that their functions have been cruelly hijacked by the Ego in man. They know fully well 

that they are servants meant to be under the control of Prana, and wish to live and function 

that way, i.e. under His rulership. They do not wish to be under the tyranny of the Ego.

Idam: “this”. Whatever is enjoyed here on Earth. Yat: “that”. Whatever is enjoyed 

there in Heaven. Both are under Prana’s control.

They appeal to Prana to look after them as a mother sees to her children. They 

yearn for this loving, sympathetic care from Mother Prana. Others also protect us, but do it 

as a duty, for example the police and the army. Even the father and mother do not match 

the “Prana-mother” in devoted service to Her children. The real source of all protection, 

independent of external protection, is that obtained by obedience to the inner Mother, who 

is none other than Prana.

And finally, the answer of the Rishi to Bhargava’s question is concluded with a 

prayer for prosperity or splendour, combined with a prayer for wisdom or intelligence. Both 

these are combined in the prayer. Why?

Prosperity on its own can be dangerously misdirected. Only in the presence of 

wisdom and intelligence is it well-utilised.

We once again remind ourselves that the above verses of glorification are addressed 

by the senses and mind as individual “bodies” free of the influence of the Ego. Only under 

this condition can they function as they are designed to by Nature. And only when 

performing their designed functions can they attain the prosperity and wisdom that is their 

earnest prayer in this mantram.

Guruji quoted a parting story about this to close the chapter : 

A beggar had one day won the lottery and was quite excited about his sudden 

wealth. The press interviewed him as usual hoping to get a fairy-tale write up. They asked 

the beggar what he planned to do with the money. The reply was, “Now I can do my 

begging with a golden bowl!”


Thus ends the Second Question in Prashna Upanishad.



Query No 3:

“The Management of Power”

To be continued



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