PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 34 : Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 3:

“The Management of Power”


Thursday, 07  Sep 2023. 08:40.

Mantram - 3.6 : Q-3C The Vyana Assistant



Mantram - 3.6 : Q-3C The Vyana Assistant

Hridi hi eshah aatmaa.  =  This Atman is in the heart.

atra etat eka-shatam naadeenaam;  =  There, there are a hundred and one ‘nerves’;


taasaam shatam shatam eka eka;  =  From each one arise a hundred sub-branches.

syaam dvaa-saptatih dvaa-saptatih.  =  From each of these arise 72 sub-branches!


prati shaakhaa-naadee-sahasraani   =  In this way there are thousands of nerve 

bhavanti aasu vyaanah charati.  =  channels in the body; in them flow VYANA.


iv) Vyana: 9-11 

The fourth Prana governs the circulatory system, and is centred in 

the heart. When the above arithmetic is done, we find there are 72,72,10,201 Nadis or 

‘astral tubes’ in all! Vyana is the great ‘telecommunication network’ within the body.

Guruji was reminded of a nice incident about Akbar and his trusted chief minister,

Birbal. Birbal was always disliked by the other ministers because he was Akbar’s favourite. 

Akbar wanted to prove to them why. He asked them all to give him a count of the 

population by the next day. No one had enough time to do the counting. When asked to 

give their answer, they all kept quiet. Birbal confidently stepped forward and said, “There 

are 7 crores and 25 lakhs.” The other ministers immediately objected to this fact. So Birbal 

said, “If you don’t believe me you can count them yourself!” One minister asked, “What if 

there are more?” Birbal said, “That would mean some people must have since migrated into

the country.” “And what if there were less?”asked another objector. “That would mean 

some people must have migrated out of the country.”

Now all of them had to agree that Birbal was smarter than them. So Birbal came to 

be admired by all for his clever wit!

Guruji said we’d better accept the Rishi’s word or we can count the Nadis for 

ourselves! Modern biology agrees entirely with this complex network of nerves.



Mantra - 3.7 : Q.3C The Udana Assistant

To be continued



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