PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 46 : Rishi Pippala.

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF): Revered for His integrity and righteousness, Bhagavan Rama stood firmly by Dharma. He teaches us to never compromise and tread away from the path of truth. This quality is imperative to earn the respect of your team. Though born a prince, Bhagavan Rama practiced empathy and humility. He teaches us that being a team leader, one should possess the ability to empathise with the abilities and challenges of their team members. With thoughtful deeds, He further shows us that a good leader should, - Practice transparency and clear communication. - Nurture relationships and build camaraderie. - Take well thought out decisions after calculating the future implications. - Take accountability for one’s actions, and - Balancing assertiveness and compassion. Imbibing these leadership qualities will create a wonderful world with inspiring leaders. ================================================================ #6 Questions, 67 Ma...