PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 46 : Rishi Pippala.
Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF):
Revered for His integrity and righteousness, Bhagavan Rama stood firmly by Dharma.
He teaches us to never compromise and tread away from the path of truth.
This quality is imperative to earn the respect of your team.
Though born a prince, Bhagavan Rama practiced empathy and humility.
He teaches us that being a team leader, one should possess the ability to empathise with the abilities and challenges of their team members.
With thoughtful deeds, He further shows us that a good leader should,
- Practice transparency and clear communication.
- Nurture relationships and build camaraderie.
- Take well thought out decisions after calculating the future implications.
- Take accountability for one’s actions, and
- Balancing assertiveness and compassion.
Imbibing these leadership qualities will create a wonderful world with inspiring leaders.
#6 Questions, 67 Mantras: “Questions from Disciples Answered.”
Query No 4:
Thursday 01 Feb 2024. 06:10.
Mantram - 4.7
Q.4D – Prajna: Always Heading Home.
Mantram - 4.7
Q.4D – Prajna: Always Heading Home.
Sah yathaa, saumya, vayaamsi = O good-looking one, just as the birds
vaaso-vriksham sampratishthante; = proceed towards the tree that provides rest,
evam ha vai tat sarvam = even so, all these
para-aatmani sampratishthate. = proceed towards the Supreme Self.
Similes decorate the message of the teacher, studding it as stars stud the night sky.
The Vedic Rishis seem to have in readiness a limitless storehouse of similes for every idea.
From ‘body’ to ‘Prana’, all are like birds – behaving identically to birds that never rest until
they reach their particular nesting tree.
The “Birds & the Tree” Simile:
Guruji’s observation of nature was brought to light by his description of actually
watching birds go to rest on a tree, and watch them the next morning coming out of their
nests, singing their greetings to each other, and fluttering off for their day’s hunt for food.
The important point of similarity here is that the birds may go on flying for the whole
day wherever they want to. They could fly many miles away from the tree in their search for
food, and even just for fun. They may even stop on the way at certain spots, perhaps even
other trees, but will never find the rest they wish to have until in the evening they return to
their own particular tree. That is the point of the simile.
The birds represent every little item in creation. Everything is free to go wherever
it wishes during its life-span. The “Human” birds run about and play in all sorts of pleasures.
They, too, hop about from one home to another during their short lifespan.
Mantram - 4.8
Q.4D – Prajna:
To be continued
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