The Chhandogya Upanishad - 49: Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission:

On the 23rd of January, Chinmaya Mission, Palakkad, celebrated its 21st Prathishta Dinam. The Mahotsav was particularly auspicious as it received the divine presence of Swami Swaroopananda. Commencing with the Prathishta Dinam rituals on the same day, the ceremony initiated with Maha Sudharshana Homam and Ganapati Homam. This was succeeded by Sahasra Kalasha Abhishek, led by Swami Swaroopananda and Swami Asheshanadaji, alongside other Acharyas. The divine celebration unfolded with special poojas and soulful bhajans.

From the 24th to the 30th of January, Chinmaya Mission, Palakkad, orchestrated Swami Swaroopananda's Mega Gita Jnana Yajna named SAMSKAARA. The spiritual proceedings commenced with the 'Dhwajarohanam' conducted by the revered Swami Swaroopananda in the presence of Naduvil Madhom Pushpanjali Swamiyar, Badrinath Ravalji Sri Ishwar Prasad Swami Asheshanandaji, and other Acharyas of Chinmaya Mission. 

On the 24th of January, the spiritual conclave was formally inaugurated by the Honourable Governor of Kerala, Sri. Arif Muhammed Khan, Sampoojya Swami Swaroopanandaji, Dr. E. Sreedharan, and other dignitaries. Each day from the 24th to the 30th of January featured various programs and cultural events. Additionally, Swami Swaroopanda delivered discourses on 'Kaivalyopanishad' at Tapovanam. The mega event stage showcased the Gita Yajna focusing on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 - 'Karma Yoga'

On the 26th of January, Republic Day, was designated as 'Amruthajeevanam.' The day commenced with the unfurling of the flag by Swami Swaroopanda and other dignitaries from the defense service. Swamiji paid homage to the families of brave soldiers who selflessly sacrificed their lives for the nation. Additionally, he honored the winners of Gita chanting competitions held earlier.


Saturday  03  Feb 2024. 07:00.

Chapter 4: An Analysis of the Nature of the Self

Section 8: The Bodily Self:

Mantram-2 to 5




"Tau ha prajapatir-uvaca, sadhv-alankrtau suvasanau pariskrtau 

bhutvoda-sarave'veksetham iti, tau ha sadhvalankrtau suvasanau

pariskrtau bhutvoda-sarave'veksam-cakrate, 

tau ha prajapatir-uvaca, kim pasyatha iti."


"Tau hocatuh yathaivedamavam bhagavah sadhvalankrtau suvasanau 

pariskrtau sva evam evemau bhagavah sadhvalankrtau suvasanau 

pariskrtau itiyesa atmeti hovaca etadamrtam abhayam 

etat brahma iti tau ha santa-hrdayau pravavrajatuh."

Then Brahma said, "This is the Atman." Now what Brahma said was highly significant. But the mystery behind the instruction was so deep that it was again grossly misunderstood by the disciples. Whatever we see is God-this is generally what we say. It is a true statement, no doubt. But it is also an untrue statement. The untrue aspect of it can simply take us astray. But the true aspect of it will, of course, liberate us from bondage. So is the instruction of Brahma. "What you see in your eyes is the Atman. What you see in the reflection is the Atman. This is the Atman, this is the fearless abode, this is the Absolute." So they were told about what they saw as their reflection. Happy and composed in heart, both the students went back thinking that they have known the Atman.


"Tau hanviksya prajapatir-uvaca, anupalabhyatmanam ananuvidya vrajatah, 

yatara etad-upanisado bhavisyanti deva va asurva va, te parabhavisyantiti, 

sa ha santahrdaya eva virocano'suran jagama, tebhyo haitam upanisadam provaca, 

atmaiveha mahayyah atma paricaryah, atmanam eveha mahayan atmanam 

paricarannubhau lokavavapnotimam camum ceti."

When they had gone out of sight, Prajapati thought, "What a pity! These students have understood nothing from me. They have mistaken my teaching completely. They are thinking that their own body is the Atman, and if any one is to consider this body as the Atman and regard it as the ultimate Reality, and teach others a doctrine that this material body is the Atman, it will not succeed. Those who follow this doctrine are going to be defeated everywhere."

Virochana went to the demons and said, "I have received initiation. Now I know what the Atman is, by which you can control all the worlds and fulfil all your desires. This body itself, what we see here, is the Atman. This is what Prajapati told us. This body is to be adorned beautifully and taken care of well. It is to be tended well, because it is the Reality. There is nothing more real than this body. It is to be protected by any manner available. It is the knowledge of this Reality, this Atman, this physical embodiment that will help us in fulfilling all our desires. The body is an instrument for the fulfilment of desires and it is through the instrumentality of this body that you have to control all the worlds." This is the doctrine of the crass materialist and the sensualist that the demons learnt from Virochana. This became the doctrine of the asuras.


"Tasmad-apyadyehadadanam asraddhadhanam ayajama-nam ahuh, 

asuro bateti; asuranam hyesopanisat pretasya sariram bhiksaya 

vasanenalankareneti samskurvanti, etena hyamum lokam jesyanto manyante."

To this day people generally say, "Here is a demon" when a person has no charitable nature. He who has no faith in the super-physical realms, who never worships deities above this world, who never performs sacrifices of any kind, who is intensely selfish, self-centred and body-centred, is generally called a demon in common language. "Here is a demon," they say. This is the doctrine of the asuras. Those people who think that the body is very valuable adorn even a corpse. They decorate it beautifully. 

They cover it with silk, gold, etc., and keep it as if it is very valuable, falsely thinking that it is the true self of man. People are there even now who think that the body has a tremendous value, and even after its death they cannot afford to think that its value is completely gone. This was the conclusion that Virochana arrived at, and all the asuras were taught this philosophy. This demoniacal doctrine was proclaimed as a consequence of the initiation that Virochana received from Brahma in respect of the Atman. This is the fate of Virochana and his followers.

Now what happened to Indra? Did he also follow the same doctrine? Poor man! He did not reach home at all. Halfway itself he had doubts in the mind. He thought, "How could this body be the Atman? That cannot be, because if what is reflected in water or reflected anywhere, which is nothing but this body, is the Atman, then the Atman would be affected by every kind of defect to which the body is subject. So there would be a defective Atman. This Atman cannot then be called immortal. This body is subject to death. When this body goes, the Atman also will go, if the body is the Atman. Where then comes fearlessness and immortality and brahmatva mentioned by the Creator? There seems to be some mistake in my understanding of this teaching." So he had these doubts and he did not go to the gods to communicate this knowledge. Instead, he returned immediately to Prajapati.




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