MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 52. Swami Advayananda.
Saturday 18, May 2024. 07:00.
6 Chapters (64 Mantras)
(Mantras - 33-43, 11 no.)
triteeya mundake, prathamah khandah –
Here begins the first Section of the Third Canto.
(Mantras - 44-53, 10 no.)*
Mantram - 5.8: Purification Done; Meditation Begun
Post - 52.
Mantram - 5.8: Purification Done; Meditation Begun:
na chakshushaa grihyate, na = Not perceivable by the eyes,
api vaachaa, = nor even describable through words;
na anyaih devaih, = Not grasped by the senses,
tapasaa karmanaa vaa; = nor (obtained) by austerities or activities;
jnana prasaadena, = Knowledge comes as a gift bestowed
vishuddha sattvah, = by a mind (intellect) that is calm, pure and refined;
tatah tu, = Then alone:
tam pashyate nishkalam = is seen or realized Him who is without parts,
dhyaayamaanah. = by the one seated in meditation.
“Less words, more poetry” – this seems to be the Rishi’s technique to get
through to us during his campaign, which continues in this verse. Here are two more slogans
of the Truth Party. As road signs they would certainly confuse any driver. The traveller on
the path of Truth has got to steer away from accepted concepts and mental notions. Truth is
anchored to itself. It cannot have any prop to support it; indeed, Truth is the prop that
supports everything in this world.
So the Self is well beyond the reach of the senses, and beyond anything that we can
gain through actions such as rituals or rigorous austerities. By Karma is meant here Vedic
rituals which are done for success in worldly undertakings, fulfillment of desires in the world
as well as in heaven. The Self is beyond their reach as well.
Then how can it be attained? – By Jnana Prasaad, which the Bhashya translates as
“the gift of the pure intellect to the mind.” The intellect is the overall governing principle of
individual life. It rules all the functions of the human being by giving directions to the mind.
If it is rendered pure, taintless, unclouded and clear, then it is capable of understanding ,
by which it gives the best instructions to the mind. This well-considered and mature
understanding, is its Gift to us – it is such an amazing gift that, given just once, it can take a
person to the highest spiritual height, and through him it can uplift thousands of other
people, even whole countries and continents!
Jnana Prasaad is explained in the Bhashya using two examples:
i) Clean Mirror:
A clean mirror surface reflects light perfectly. Even so a clean
intellect reflects God’s glory perfectly through our being. This example is to illustrate the
removal of Mal or dirt from the mind. Mal is a “stained” mirror.
ii) Tranquil Water:
A tranquil, calm surface of water also reflects light perfectly. If the
water is agitated, the reflection, too, is agitated. This example is to illustrate the removal of
Vikshepa or the restlessness of the mind. Vikshepa is a “ruffled” water surface.
Tatah Tu: meaning “therefore”, is not part of the metrical formation of this line,
hence the comma and the separation from the next Pada.
The Self is seen as being indivisible and devoid of all differentiation, Nishkalam.
This represents the Non-Duality of the Self. This is experienced only when the seeker
engages in deep meditation with a concentrated mind.
In mantram 5.5 we came across four Sahakari Sadhanas or auxilliary practices.
These are intended to bring the seeker to the Pradhana Sadhana or primary practice of meditation
which is the last word of this verse. This alone is the purpose of all the assessory Sadhanas.
The detailed explanation of purification of the intellect is reserved for the next verse.
Acharyaji paid a glowing tribute to the Shrutis, based on the passage we are
currently studying.
His words can best be paraphrased as:
“In this way, the Upanishad always draws our mind to the ultimate
purpose of the Vedas, which is to take man to spiritual liberation from bondage
to ignorance. The Upanishads are relentless in this task. It does not allow us to
settle for anything less than the Highest. We ought to be really grateful to
Mother Shruti for that!”
52, Mantram - 5.9: Purification – the Pre-Condition for Illumination
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