MUNDAKOUPANISHAD - 59. Swami Advayananda.



Sunday 25, Aug 2024. 06:10.

6 Chapters (64 Mantras)

Here begins the second Section of the Third Canto. 


(Mantras -54-64, 11 no.) 

58 -Mantram-6.5: Jivanmukti: At the “Moment of Realisation” 

Post - 59.


58 -Mantram-6.5: Jivanmukti: At the “Moment of Realisation” 

sampraapya enam rishayah =  When the sages have attained the Atman: 

jnaana triptaah, = i) they become satisfied with their knowledge, 

krit-aatmaanah  = ii) their purpose is fulfilled

veetaraagaah, = iii) they become free from desire, and 

prashaantaah; =  iv) they gain tranquility. 

te sarvagam sarvatah =The all-pervading Atman everywhere,     

praapya dheeraa, =  they, the wise sages, (thereafter) attain. 

yukta aatmaanah = Devoted to the Self, 

sarvam eva aavishanti. =  they enter into That which is everything. 

What happens at the all-important “Moment of Realisation


What happens at the all-important “Moment of Realisation ”? 

Four immediate benefits gained are listed in the first two Padas: 


 i) Jnana Triptaah: Upon realization, the sages feel totally “contented in the 

knowledge”, which has removed the veil of ignorance over their intellect. 


 ii)  Krit-Aatmaanah: their life’s purpose is now  “fulfilled”; 


 iii) Veetaraagaah: they become “free from all desires”; 


iv) Prashaantaah: they are then “calm, composed and  peaceful”.



iv) Prashaantaah: they are then “calm, composed and peaceful”. 

Sarvagam Sarvatah: “the all-pervasive Brahman, who is everywhere”. This 

contrasts with our experience of beholding only our own bodies through the limiting 

Upadhis. The experience represents the dissolution of individuality and entering into 

universality. The individual self is the Jeeva. That has been transcended. The sages are now 

identified with their true Self, the Atman. 



 Yukta-Aatmaanah: “merged in deep contemplation”. Even if it be at the last 

moment of life, they merge with everything. This is described in the scriptures by the 

following simile: It is like the space within a pot. While the pot exists, the space is associated 

with the pot; when the pot is broken, the space merges with the universal space. 



59 - Mantram -  6.6: Kramamukti: Attainment of Brahmaloka 




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