The Chhandogya Upanishad - 71: Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Sunday 01, December 2024. 09:50. Chapter 4: An Analysis of the Nature of the Self Appendix 1: Sandilya-Vidya Mantram-4(Continued) Post-71. =================================================================================== The meaning of this vidya, meditation, is very profound. The more we think about it, the greater and deeper are the meanings that we will discover in it. And these meanings will be discovered as we go deeper and deeper into meditation. So here, we have got in the Sandilya-Vidya the whole subject of the Upanishad clinched, as it were, kept inside our fist for the purpose of daily habituation of the mind to spirituality and God-awareness. This vidya contains the art of adjusting the mind inwardly as well as outwardly in the beginning by alternate processes, and then finally grasping the comprehensiveness of Brahman, the Reality in its simultaneously dual aspect of universality and indiv...