Mantram -1.
Discussion-2. matter, Lord, ruler ...
Spirit muffled in 'matter' is the living being.
In every entity in the world-of-objects the Spirit indwells, permeating everywhere in the homogeneous all-pervasiveness.
'Matter' is but an equipment through which Truth expresses Itself in the dynamic-"life", as known to all of us.
But, in fact, beneath it all, pervading everywhere is the very kernel of Life, the ' Spirit' or the "Self" which is the "Lord" of these 'matter' habitations.
The Lord is thus omnipresent and acts as the 'Governor', 'Ruler', 'Monitor' --- the "Governor"
of all environments, the 'Ruler' over all sense-activities, and the 'Monitor' in all mental and intellectual functions.
And yet, we are not conscious of this Lord!
This is a great tragedy, and this is to be ended.
"Allow not this darkness of ignorance to shroud the Light of Truth".
"Bring out the Lord to envelop the phenomenal world, and thus, in His Infinite Light, let the experience of multiplicity be to the enlightened seeker, a vision clothed in celestial Light
Divine" seems to be the silent import here.
In short, 'Life is the Veil of Matter', 'Clothe matter with the Light of the Supreme Lord',
'End the false hallucination ... Experience the God-vision' --- these are all implied in the teacher's exalted out-burst of confident wisdom.
When properly analysed and logically revaluated, each one of us can end all our of all 'mis-apprehensions', and the 'Spirit' shall emerge out of al our mental projections and the consequent inner confusions.
Next : Discussion-3. 'All this should be covered ( clothed ) by the Lord ( Isa ) ..
To be continued...
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