Mantram -1.
Discussion - 11. "bhunjithah" ...( second line of the Mantram ) ...
Enjoy ( bhunjithah ) ---- The root 'Bhuj' means 'to enjoy' and also 'to save'.
Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya Bhagavatpada takes the latter meaning and interprets it to mean 'saving one's Self'.
According to Swamiji, therefore, the meaning would be the way to protect one's Self and enjoy Its glory lies in the renunciation of attachments for the not-Self ( Anatma ).
The 'Seer' of the 'Upanishad', however, by avoiding the mention of the 'objects' to be enjoyed, probably means both:
At a lower level, 'enjoy' what is given by Him, without covetousness, attachment etc,; and at the greater heights, the student in meditation is told to renounce the perceptions, feeling and thoughts, which are 'other than Atma' ( Anatma ), and seek the Eternal, imperishable Self, having experienced which, come to enjoy the glories of "Kaivalya" the " GODHOOD".
In short, it all adds up to this : " Renouncing the fleeting world and its equally fleeting objects, in the "Lord-is-all-this" --- experience, come to enjoy the Self.
Saving the Self is to enjoy the Self.
By enjoying it one saves it; by not enjoying
It one kills It.***
***Narada says in Srimad Bhagavatham :
"Men are owners of only that much of proprty in their possession as is necessary to feed their stomachs.
Anyone who thinks that he is the sole proprietor of anything more is a thief
and deserves to be punished as such."
Next : Discussion- 12. "dana" .....
To be continued ...
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