MUNDAKOPANISHAD : CHAPTER-3. SECTION-1. MANTRAM-10. { A desirer of prosperity should worship the Knower of Brahmam }
MANTRAM-10. { A desirer of prosperity should worship the Knower of Brahmam }
Discussion-1. " Mind is the man"..
Here in this mantram, is the great secret of success, discussed for everyone who chooses to make use of it in all his activities.
Probably, this was exactly the secret behind the unforgettable success the ancient Bharatham had in all fields of activity, including the material.
"Mind is the man" is a truth accepted by western psychology also, and yet its obvious corollary has been missed by them.
The "Hindu seers ( ancient Rishi-s )" not only declared, " As the mind, so the man," but also lived up to this philosophy and discovered in it an answer to all our deficiencies and incapacities.
Here in the 'Sruti,' we have their final declaration based upon their deep-rooted conviction, born out of their own lived personal experiences.
NEXT : Discussion-2. "act and to achieve"
To be continued ...
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