MUNDAKOPANISHAD : CHAPTER-3. SECTION-2. MANTRAM-2.{ "Cessation of cycle of re-birth through desireless-ness." }
MANTRAM-2.{ "Cessation of cycle of re-birth through desireless-ness." }
Discussion--6. "reach a greater state of perfection"
Thus, if the ancient Bharatiya philosophers glorified the "State of desirelessness" as the end-all and be-all of life it was because they knew a technique of making us reach "a greater state of perfection," from where, when ewe look down, the flimsy toys of life would all look ridiculous, stupid and childish.
How far they were wise is clearly noticeable and fully realizable to any one, who can read the signs of the times in the passing events of modern history --- "except, perhaps, the uneducated India atheists."
"In the perfect knowledge that we have already with us all the things that we desire for, to be desireless is certainly a much more glorious state of fulfilment and happiness than to eternally strive and struggle to produce and accumulate the changing demands of the mad and uncontrolled desires."
Next : Summation ....
To be continued ....
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