PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 17. - Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 2:

“The Supremacy of Power”


Friday, January 13,  2023. 06:00. 

Mantram - 2.1 The Second Question: by Bhargava


Query No 2:
“The Supremacy of Power”

THE END OF THE last chapter sets the conditions one has to fulfil to enter this 

chapter. It was, as we saw, the “gate-pass” to go forward. The conditions are repeated here: 

“He in whom there is no deceit or falsehood, pretence or dissimulation, only he is fit for 


From this point onward we are entering into a deeper discussion of Prana, or the 

invisible Power by which material life is sustained. The subject of Power, or Prana, or the 

Formless becomes meaningful only to the person who seeks to rise beyond the gross, 

material level of existence. One who fulfils all the moral conditions of material life, is 

qualified to enter into discussions about the spiritual aspects of life. He alone will truly 

benefit from such discussions.

The second question turns our feet in the direction of the true spiritual path, 

towards the realm of the Spirit, called Prana in this chapter. Subsequent chapters will 

actually lead us along this path. The Rishi now begins to raise the level of understanding of 

his students to greater and greater heights, until at the end of Chapter 4 he leaves us at the 

threshold of the Supreme Brahman.


Mantram - 2.1 The Second Question: by Bhargava

1 Atha ha enam bhaargavah vaidarbhih papracchha: = Then next came Bhargava of Vidarbha who questioned the Master: 

2 bhagavan, kati eva devaah prajaah vidhaayante? = “O Venerable Sir, how many Devas (orfactors) support the living being?

3 katara etat prakaashayante?  =  Which of them gives Life to this (body)?

4 kah punah eshaam varishtha? iti. = Again, who among them is the greatest?


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :

How is the Individual Being Administered?

This mantram may be taken as a “Contents” for the chapter:


1 Our attention is shifting from the macrocosm of Question No 1 to the microcosm. 

From the creation of the world and its living beings, the student moves on to ask about how 

each individual is really governed. Who are the office bearers or Devas of the governing

Body? Who is the CEO amongst these Devas? What makes his role so crucial? What makes 

him so powerful, praiseworthy and supreme? That is the theme covered by this chapter.

2 The student wants to know the administration set-up in this universe to govern 

every tiny part of it, especially the living beings. If there are natural laws in place, there have 

to be law-enforcing agents to ensure that they are followed. Who are these agents or Devas


who ensure that we follow the law and order? This is answered in mantram - 2.2.

3 The second part is, “Among them who actually is responsible for giving Life to this 

human body?” This is answered in mantram - 2.3.

4 The third part is, “Who is the chief among them?” This is answered in mantram - 2.4.

The rest of the chapter, from mantras - 2.5 to 2.13, is the glorification of the Chief Deva, 

Prana, by all the other Devas. They all sing the glory of Prana, lest it may go on strike!


An Example of Administration :

Guruji gave a nice little example of how things can run smoothly. A man went to see 

the CEO of a big company, but was told that he was not in and will not be in for the whole 

day. He did not give up, but said he will just wait there. Now the boss was in a fix because he 

wanted to come out of his office but could not do so without being seen by his visitor. 

Eventually he asked the secretary to call him in.

The boss asked him, “Why did you wait when I told you I was not in?” The man said, 

“I knew you were in.” The boss asked, “How did you know that?” The man replied, “Simple. I 

saw everything was running smoothly. Everyone was busy at their desk. No one went for 

small coffee breaks or smoking breaks. So I knew you must be in!”

That is precisely how the Universe also runs. The Boss need not be seen, but his very 

presence is sufficient to make all the ministers do their duties. Under His nose, everything 

runs smoothly. All the Devas take their orders from Him, and work in harmony.


Mantram - 2.2 Each Deva (God) Claims Leadership
To be continued



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