PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 29. : Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 3:

“The Management of Power”


Wednesday, 05 Jul, 2023. 07:30.

Mantram - 3.1 The Third Question: by Kaushalya




Query No 3:

“The Management of Power”

THE THIRD QUESTION takes the reader a little further into the subtle realm. From 

the gross world we shifted our attention in the last chapter to the subtle manifestation of 

Prana. We glorified Prana above all the grosser organs. Now curiosity makes the students 

wish to know more about the chief Deva, Prana. “If he plays such a major role,” think the 

students, “then tell us more about him. Has he got someone who is his superior?” This is the 

curiosity that has built up in the students’ minds.

The students would like to know how this cosmic power called Prana is managed. 

We see it functioning in every little organ, in every movement in the body. How is it that 

everything works so smoothly? Surely there must be a Master Plan behind all this!


Mantram - 3.1 The Third Question: by Kaushalya

Atha hi enam Kaushalyah cha   =  Then indeed, Kaushalya, the son of Asvalaya, 

Aashvalayanah papracchha :  =  put forward this question:

bhagavan, kutah eshah praanah   =  O Bhagavan, i) From whom does this Prana 

jaayate?  =  take its birth?

katham aayaati asmin shareere?   =  ii) How does it come to abide in this body?

aatmaanam vaa pravibhajya,  =  iii) After dividing itself (into so many functions) 

katham pratishhate?  =     how does it abide?


kena utkramate?  =  iv) How does it go out (of its body, at death)?


katham baahyam abhidhatte?  =  v) How does it support what is outside?

katham adhyaatmam? iti.   =  vi) …and how what is within?


The disciple is still feeling that Prana cannot have this power on its own. There must 

someone superior to him who gives him that authority. This is typical of human intellectual 

curiosity. It always strives to know of the unknown.

Not satisfied to ask just one question, Kaushalya goes on to ask six questions on 

the workings of Prana as briefly glorified in the last chapter. He wants to know how Prana 

actually manages to carry out such a huge responsibility. What are the nuts and bolts of his 

management system? Today’s CEO’s will really relish the answers.

“Contents” for the Chapter :

As in Chapter 2, this mantram also forms a “Contents” for this chapter: Kaushalya asks 

his question in 6 parts. They are answered in the following order.

2 Question 3A: “Who is Prana’s superior?” Answered in verse 3.3A.

3 Question 3B: “How does Prana abide in this body?” Answered in 3.3B.

4 Question 3C: “How do the Upa-Pranas abide? Answered in 3.4 to 3

5a Question 3E: “How does it support the Microcosm? Answered in 3.8.

5b Question 3F...and what is inside (the Macrocosm)?” Answered in 3.9.

6 Question 3D: “How does it go out at the time of death?” Answered in 3.10.

What is the Phala or fruit of having this knowledge? Answered in 3.11.

Is there a supporting statement for these claims? Answered in 3.12.



Mantram - 3.2 “It’s a Transcendental Question!”

To be continued



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