KATHA UPANISHAD - 44. Swami Advayananda.
Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 07:45.
Chapter 1. Section - 2: (25 Mantras): THE CHOICE:
Mantram - 15: The Goal of All Spiritual Efforts – “OM”
Post - 44.
Mantram - 1.2.15: The Goal of All Spiritual Efforts – “OM”
Yama says to Nachiketas:
Sarve vedaah yat = That which all the Vedas
padam aamananti = speak of as the Goal;
tapaamsi sarvaani cha = and which by all penances or acts of austerity
yat vadanti; = is also proclaimed;
yat icchhantah = and wishing for which
brahma-charyam charanti = people practice Brahmacharya;
tat te padam = that Goal to thee
sangrahena braveemi: = I will briefly declare:
Om iti etat. = It is “OM”.
Lord Yama answers Nachiketas’s re-phrased boon directly by stating what the
answer is, without giving any explanation. This is the briefest possible answer – OM.
The first approach to this Truth is via a symbol that has been unanimously accepted
by the enlightened Rishis of the Vedic period as being OM, written as “”.
Yama is providing an answer to the boon in the briefest manner. Under the symbol
OM is found every possible detail in the scriptures of the path that leads to the Self. It is a
perfect point to begin.
The symbol Om is used in three different contexts, as given in this verse in its first
three Padas. These may be considered to be three more ways of expressing the same boon.
In any case, it is the way Yama has understood the boon to be:
Used widely in all the Vedas: Its use has scriptural authority. It is an accepted
symbol for the Truth. Everyone will understand what is meant when the sound symbol OM
is referred to.
The Objective of All Tapas or Austerity: People perform many kinds of austerity,
undergoing great hardship. However, the meditation upon Om is said to cover all these
forms of austerities whether one wishes to attain merit or spiritual evolution.
The Reason Why Brahmacharya or Celibacy is Observed: The greatest of all
austerities is the vow of Brahmacharya, because it is the most difficult. There are two types
of people who observe Brahmacharya: i) that observed by students of the Vedas during
their period of study; or ii) the life-long observance of it for the purpose of making oneself
fit to do the intense Sadhana to realize the Self. Conservation of energy for higher purposes
is the principle behind this austerity.
The symbol OM stands for all these. It is a blanket term for all Upasanas directed
towards a goal beyond the ordinary earth plane. This is explained further.
Mantram - 16: The Scope Covered by “Om”
To be continued
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