
Showing posts from March, 2025

Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad: 2.Swami Krishnananda

 . =========================================================================================================== Saturday 08, March 2025, 10:45. Article Scriptures Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad: 2. Swami Krishnananda Part: 2. ====================================================================================== The life of a person comes to no purpose when the participation expected of that person in the context of the whole to which that person belongs is absent. The society of human beings is an organisation, and everyone belongs to human society as long as one is a human being. The very finitude of human organisms compels them to participate in a system known as society. There is no necessity for a perfected individual to participate in anything. But the perfected individual is a misnomer, because that which is perfect cannot be an individual. Anyone who is an individual, human or otherwise, is, therefore, not perfect in any sense of the term. Thus, considering even the low...

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad -33. Swami Krishnananda.

  ============================================================================================== Friday 07, March 2025, 11:30. Upanishads: The Secret of the Katha Upanishad:  Discourse No. 6: Swami Krishnananda. Post - 33. ================================================================================== yatheha kshudhita balah mataram paryupasate; evam sarvani bhutani agnihotram upasate. As hungry children sit around their mother asking for bread, cringing for a little food from the mother, loving her, jumping on her lap, so does the world cringe for you, crave for you, come round you, sit on your lap, fall at your feet, when you realise this Stupendous Reality. This is what will happen to you when you practise this yoga of the communion of the vijnana with the Mahat and the absorption of the Mahat into the Shanta-atman. The Upanishad gives us this wonderful message, the glorious message of eternity to all mankind, enough to fill us all with unbounded joy for all times to com...

The Chhandogya Upanishad - 80: Swami Krishnananda.

=============================================================================================== Thursday 06, March 2025. 11:00. The Chhandogya Upanishad - 80:  Swami Krishnananda. Appendix 2: Samvarga-Vidya Section-3 Continued Slogam-7. Post-80. =============================================================================================== Section-2., Mantram -3 "Tam u ha parah pratyuvaca, aha haretva, sudra,  tavaiva saha gobhir-astv-iti; tad-u ha punar-eva  janasrutih pautrayanah sahasram gavam niskam  asvatari-ratham duhitaram tad-adaya praticakrame." ==================================================================================== "O Sudra, take back all these things, useless man," he said, as if he was not at all interested in them. "Get away from here. Take your cows, your chariot and gold necklace. Do not talk to me." This was what he said. The word 'sudra' mentioned here has been a target of great discussion in the Brahmasutras as to whe...

TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 79. Rishi Yajnavalkya.

================================================================================================= Wednesday 05, March 2025, 12:45. Taittiriya U11  Pertaining to the SELF-CREATION of Brahman there is a Shruti verse… panishad Part-2. THE BLISS THAT IS BRAHMAN Anuvaka 2.6  From Anandamaya to Atman   THE ANUPRASHNAS: (Vital Questions by the Disciple) Post-79.  =================================================================================== Mantram - 2.6.7: Announcing the Shruti Quotation on Self-Creation: 11 -  tat api esha shloka bhavati… Pertaining to this, there is a mantram 11 -Pertaining to the SELF-CREATION of Brahman there is a Shruti mantram…  ======================================================================================= Next ABHAYA PRATISHTHAA : Anuvaka 2.7:  Established in “Fearlessness”  The topic of “Proofs of Brahman’s Existence” continues . . . from Proof 4 to Proof 7.  =============================================...

KENA UPANISHAD “Know That Alone as Brahman”: 10. Swami Tejomayananda.

  ======================================================================== Tuesday 04, March 2025, 10:10. KENA UPANISHAD  4 Chapters, 34 Mantras  Chapter 2 - 5 Mantras:   Subtlety of “KNOWING” Brahman  Chapter 2 - 5 Mantras:   Mantram 2.3: The Teacher Confirms It   Post-10. ============================================================== Mantram 2.3: The Teacher Confirms It   The Guru Confirms:  1. yasya amatam tasya matam, =   He understands It who feels he knows It not;  2    matam yasya na veda sah; = And he understands It not who feels he knows It;  3. avijnaatam vijaanataam, = It is unknown to the master scholar;  4.  vijnaatam avijaanataam. =   But known to the one who admits he does not know.  ================================================================== 1-2  As one matures, one begins to acknowledge that he does not know everything. It  is the juni...


  =========================================================================================== Monday 03, March 2025, 11:25. MANDUKYA UPANISHAD  GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA Agama Prakarana – “The Scriptural Treatise” GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA:  PART 4/4:    ALAATA-SHANTI PRAKARANA (100 mantras):  Quenching the Firebrand: The Illusion of CAUSALITY   Karika Section 4.6:   Mantras - 33-41   (9 No.)  Mantram -  4.33: The Falsity of Dream – Space Limit   ((cf. Mantram 2.2)  Post-48. ======================================================================================== The Illusion of CAUSALITY:   Karika Section 4.6:   Mantras 33-41  (9 No.) EARLIER DISCUSSIONS IN Vaitathya Prakarana, repeated below, declared the unreality of dream and waking states based on factors such as space, time, transactions and dream-objects.  In the first four verses respectively, the four principles mentioned in Chap...

KATHOUPANISHAD - 79. Swami Advayananda.

=============================================================================================== Sunday 02, March 2025, 10:45. KATHA UPANISHAD   Part 2 – Total 49 Mantras  Chapters 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3  Chapter 2.2: (15 Mantras)  THE SEARCH FOR BRAHMAN  Mantram - 2.1.14:  Dispersion Into Plurality Post - 79. ============================================================================================ Chapter 2.2: (15 Mantras)  THE SEARCH FOR BRAHMAN  WE HAVE ALREADY met with the ‘Chariot’ simile in Chapter 1.3, and the ‘Punished Senses’ and the ‘Rain on the Peaks’ similes in Chapter 2.1. Now we are introduced to another beautiful simile of the Upanishad, namely, the ‘Eleven-Gated City’ of the gross body. This chapter represents the steps to be taken to arrive at the Truth which Nachiketas  seeks. The chapter is divided into two distinct sub sections. The first covers the search for Brahman as He unfolds Himself in Creation, i.e. the Immanent...

The Mundaka Upanishad: Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================================================== Saturday 01, March 2025, 11:15. The Mundaka Upanishad:  Swami Krishnananda ================================================================================================== Foreword: Among the Upanishads, the Mundaka Upanishad is regarded as one the most important. It throws a flood of light on the Jnana Marga (the path of Knowledge) and leads the aspirant to the highest rung in the ladder of Jnana—Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavati. That this Upanishad was meant for the Sannyasin (and hence the significant name Mundaka Upanishad) is itself the highest tribute that can be paid to its sacredness. The truth that this Supreme Knowledge which the Upanishad imparts is to be had through inspirational initiation direct from a Guru who is well versed in the Brahma Vidya and who has at the same time had the Brahma Anubhava, is brought out very clearly in this Upanishad. At the very commencemen...